January 11

688 43 20

Dear diary,

Somebody's gonna kill Trump, I can feel it. God to my luck it's going to be on national tv so everyone sees it. I don't much like it when the president dies; it's kind of painful. Like getting poked with a red-hot cattle brand. And I'd know, since I've done it before.

I went out to chickfila today for food because I was too lazy to make some and I wanted chicken. Chickfila is just the bomb, man.

I also took Nasa out for a long walk so she'd be at least a little excersized before we boarded the plane to take us to Colorado. I plan on staying out there for a while and spending time with my square states, which I haven't done in a while.

Oh yea the meeting was postponed to today, so I did that. That was also half of the reason I went out to eat, and probably the whole reason why I actually kept it all down.

Ah, the meeting. Honestly, it was one of the better ones. I was only called fat, dumb, etc a few times. Mostly, I actually got to voice my opinions and research and data as to why I thought these things. I didn't get as nervous as I thought I would, which is significantly better than what happened last time.

Of course there was the usual fighting and useless bickering, Kiku was in the corner playing Mario Kart 7 on his ds with South Korea and Hong Kong. I thought about joining them but decided not to. I had to be at least a little professional.

Instead I spent most of my time talking to the other black triangle members about the topic at hand. We were quite more productive than you'd think, but still not as much as we should have been. I kept getting distracted by China glaring at me from across the end of the table that we were at. I don't know why, since I was actually doing good things and being useful for once instead of being loud and obnoxious like usual. Russia didn't seem to notice, though, so it's probably just something about my debt or the like.

I went out cloud watching during the lunch break instead of eating(bc I ate on the way home so they wouldn't see me). I just went up to the roof and laid down and stared up into the sky, not really thinking about anything. Canada came and joined me about ten minutes in. We laughed at weird shapes and.... suggestive ones, too.
Mattie has a cute and quiet laugh compared to mine, which is loud, annoying, and noticeable, just like me.


Yay I did it. But I'm tired so I don't know what's going on. That's cool I guess.
I hope this update was alright since I didn't update yesterday. I've just been sick and busy, nothing much.

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