December 3

910 52 25

Dear Diary

I wish I was dead, and so does everyone else. Don't even try to argue with me on this.

Look, the thing is, no matter what they say to me, I've heard what they really think. England thinks I'm stupid, France thinks I'm fat, China knows that I'm broke; that's just how it is. And I know that I'm all of these things, but they feel the need to remind me. Of course they do. If they didn't, I'm stupid enough that I'd probably forget.

My glasses broke today, too. I took them off to clean them and someone bumped me so I dropped them and they got stepped on. Now I'm wandering around blindly because I can only kind of see. These were the spares, too, so I have to wait for more to come in. I would ask Canada if I can borrow his, but then he'd know that I'm not even responsible enough to have my own.

And to top off the fucking list, I'm hallucinating. I had a full conversation with Confederacy and then he wouldn't leave me alone. I mean, I can always hear him, but I cant see him. But I saw him today.

Luckily for me, I was the only one home all day. Canada called to see if everything was alright, but that was it. I need to be better at hiding things through our connection.*

Our connection. Such a strange thing. As far as I know, only three other duos have an ability like this, and it's Germany and Prussia,  Liechtenstein and Switzerland, and Italy and Romano. I know that the Koreas used to have one, but I don't know that they still do. And they all work a little differently, depending on how close the two are and their environment and things. They kind of work like the mating bonds in the Mercy Thompson series, but without the werewolves and the mates part. I'm pretty sure my brother and I are still just brothers. At least, nothing otherwise has been implied. That would be weird.**

But yea all of my progress has been erased now. Days since the last blood cleanup: 0. Way to go, me. Way. to. go.



*more info on the connections will be given if requested

**I do not hate the Amecan ship, nor do I hate any of the other 'cest ships (ie itacest, ect). in fact, I actually like the amecan ship a lot.

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