September 25

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Dear Diary,

I found another photo album this morning. This one had a lot of civil war pictures in it. Pictures of the battlefield, pictures of the on site hospitals; it was terrible. Thank god it was in black and white, though it did make the pictures more eerie.

There were plenty from the world wars, too. Most of them were taken by me, but a lot were taken by someone by the name of Edward Steichen. I liked him, he was a good man.

I think I might be getting sick. I've been running a fever for two days now, and it hasn't gone down yet. I haven't thrown up or anything, which is surprising, but I feel really weak. Maybe I need to go to the doctor...

I can still hear the voice. It's a little louder now. I think it might be caused by the unrest among the citizens about the 'police brutality' stories. I think the media just does a really poor job of covering the stories fully. But they do it to get viewers, so I guess I understand. But that doesn't mean I approve.

I'm thinking about asking Canada if he wants to go on a trip into the mountains with me. His mountains, of course. We could go back to the way we were before England happened. Maybe it'll be good for both of us. Plus, I would get to stargaze. Have you ever really seen the stars before? They're beautiful. I'm still trying to get the president to let me go into space. NASA is already okay with it. It'll be so much fun.

I think I might go out for a flight today. It's nice and warm, and the sky is clear. Yea, that's what I'll do. See ya later~


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