November 5

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Countdown to the elections: 3 days

Dear Diary,

So the world meetings are starting on the 7th, the day before the elections, and running through the 9th. Sadly, I will probably not be able to leave, so I'll have to ditch or something. Strange things happen to me when the elections happen. I've already been a little off recently, randomly having full conversations with myself and whatnot. I've also been sleepwalking a lot, which ended badly the last time it happened...

What would the countries think if I just randomly started arguing with the wall? It would surely break my act, that's for sure. Do you think I'll be able to pull it off? I don't know.

Veterans day is coming up soon, and I'm just glad that the meetings don't run through that. Dear god, that would be terrible. But not nearly as bad as having it on 9/11. That would be the worst thing.

Curse these god damned elections! They are getting in the way of everything! Ahhhhahahahhhhh

But anyways there's something I wanted to bring up before the meetings start. I can do magic; it's just not the same kind as England. It's more of a natural thing, with natural spirits and things like that. Tapping into the elements. I think people forget that I have a lot of pagan and Native American worshipers in my country. We aren't all christian and atheist or something. There's a lot of people with a lot of beliefs and a lot of nationalities and a lot of languages. You get the point. It's fun to do when you do it right. Unless it's ghosts, ghosts are scary.

I've been seeing a lot more of those lately, too. Do you have any idea why? It's not abnormal to see them when I'm walking around and things, but they're EVERYWHERE, all the time. But thankfully they don't usually try to talk to me or anything. I think if they did I might cry. DON'T TELL ANYONE THAT EITHER!

Today me and a few states are going to start cooking a big meal for the rest of the states so we can get together one time before the elections to celebrate the fact that none of them are dead or at war again. We do this quite often, just kind of get together and talk and laugh and play. One of those days that we can all care about nothing and just be a family.

I think I'm going to watch all of the LOTR movies today (before we starts preparations) with Alaska and Hawaii. That might take a while, though. I bet the others could start without me.

So I'll talk to you later, book of awesome.

-The hero!  

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