November 13

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Dear diary,

The meeting was incredibly quiet and torturous today. Thank God this is the last one.
So apparently France and England told the others a few things, but not much since Canada stopped them. Where would I be without that brother of mine~
Anyway so I'm in a much better mood today, even though they all look at me like I'm a bomb about to go of at the slightest breeze. It's nice not having to listen to all of their jabs and spiteful comments.

But I don't feel like the hero anymore. I knew that it was good for them to take out their frustrations somewhere, so I chose to be that somewhere. But now they don't have that.
Russia has been staying at my house since yesterday. I like it, and Mattie doesn't seem to mind. Honestly, if it were up to me, I would have him stay here forever, but that's just me being possessive. Oddly enough, he's really the first romantic interest that I've felt that way about.

France and England came and confronted me about the existence of the states, so now they are due to meet them soon. I'm thinking about having them meet all of them all at once so maybe they wont ask to come again. Although, this might be good for the states; getting to know your parents is nice, even if they hate your older brother. Russia already met Alaska. If fact, we did this today after the meeting. I had just her today because Hawaii didn't want to take the chance of seeing a bigger country and getting hurt again. I don't blame her; I'd be scared, too.

You should have seen them~ It was the most adorable thing! He looked so happy, and she was so shy! Who knew Russia was so great with kids! I mean, I'm fucking giggling like a little schoolgirl just thinking about it. I left them to play while I went upstairs to write in you in private. But I don't want to miss too much, so I'll be going.

I think I might introduce the rest of them to him, too. SLOWLY of course, but still.

-a loving big brother dreading new introductions


this update would have been out sooner but I couldn't think of what to write

sorry it's so short today, but whatever

i'll be back tomorrow, so goodbye~

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