November 21

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[prewarning that this chapter will probably suck a bunch and be short because I have a metric fuckton of homework to do but I wanted to update tonight anyway. hey, I have an A average still! I can do what I want!]

Dear Diary,

I arrived in Canada today at about noon with ma bros. Honestly, I think of those two as brothers more than I do England or Australia or anyone like that. Not that I have anything against them, of course! France was more of a father figure, and Canada just can't be replaced. He's too precious, you know?

Well anyway so Prussia and Denmark got drunk on the FIRST NIGHT so I had to drive them back to the hotel we're renting until we get to the cabin/house thing that I own. Oh, me and my brother both have houses in each other's countries, we just usually prefer to stay with whoever's land it is. It's more fun that way.

I guess because of that I don't have much to report about today. Nothing out of the ordinary with either of them, which is good. Well, Gil seemed a little more excited than either of us to go to Canada but whatever. He just probably has a thing for my brother or some shit like that. It's like what I always say: You do you, I'll do me, and we probably won't do each other. Good thing to live by, that is.

I think I'm going to go and see Matthew who is definstely the person walking up the hallway to the door right now and try to explain two completely drunk nations passed out on the floor. Wish me luck!



I'm going to try to make the next update longer and better and interesting. key word here is 'try'.

The Diary of a depressed nationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ