December 8

962 49 34

Dear Diary,

I'm not even going to touch the state Europe is in right now. I just... I didn't think that you could fuck up more than I already have. BUT FEAR NOT! For I have the ultimate Trump card! Get it, because Trump is the president elect? Haha.

But he appointed Scott Pruitt to be the new head of the EPA [environmental protection agency]*. I didn't think that I could get any worse, either, but hey, anything can happen. Man, Russia and I had been working on a solution to this problem, and now we not only are going to cease any forward progress, but we're probably going to go BACKWARDS. Trump the idiot is planning on canceling the Paris plan, too[found in article linked below]. Do you know how bad that will be for everyone?

I wish that Obama could stay another term. I mean, he wasn't the best, but he wasn't about to start world war three, either. Why can't I be more like Canada?!

But besides all of this, today is a woeful day indeed, for the first American into space has died.** He was 95 and is expected to be buried at Arlington. God rest his soul***. I went and saw him in Ohio. We were friends, me and him, way back in the sixties when he went up. I helped design that craft. Of course, I can't take any official credit for that, but it really happened. I won't be attending the funeral, but I do think I will go and visit his grave once everything else clears out.

I'm going to go stare at the galaxy ceiling of my super awesome space room now and reminisce like some old man. I'm a old nerd, I know~

-Astronaut in mourning


*so this fucking idiot. For those who don't know, is SUPER against the clean power plan, and doesnt believe that anything is wrong with the environment. I swear, he is going to be the downfall of the world. I mean, for a minute, I thought that Trump might possibly be a decent person, but he OBVIOUSLY isnt. Here's the link to read more about the end of the world:

**more info found here:       you may need to refresh the page for it to work properly

***okay I am really trying to keep religion out of this because of how diverse his country really is, but this sounds like something he would say at a time like this.

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