December 2

972 46 9

Dear  Diary

Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, but I decided to be useless and  watch Netflix all day. Some of the states joined me. I think York might be sick, because he cuddled up to me on the floor like a little kitten or something. It was really cute. Jersey joined us down there, too. Eventually, we had the entire east coast in the living room watching really bad horror and Christmas movies. Which are the best kind! (fight me)

But yea that's literally all I did today. Other than eat, of course, which I've been doing a lot of lately. If I keep this up I'll start to gain weight again. I'm already fat enough as it is. England and the others made sure I knew that. Russia hasn't called me fat yet. Stupid, yes. But not fat. I wonder why...? Now that I think about it, neither has Germany or the rest of the awesome trio. See? I have friends. Actual friends that are nice to me. Well, Prussia and Denmark aren't exactly nice, but you know what I mean.

I think I've been improving lately. I haven't drank; I haven't vomited;  I haven't even so much as looked at the blade since that last time. I'm proud of myself!

I think that even the states are less worried about me. Which is good, because I can't stand to know that they are worried, especially about me. 

I have a need to go do something now, though. I'm thinking about reorganizing the office/library thing. I'll move the desk in front of the window with one of the shelves next to it. Then I'll put the rest of the bookshelves where the desk was! Yeah!

Wow I've never heard myself be so excited about cleaning. Well, technically it's not cleaning, per say. It's more like organizing. But still.

I was reading some older books from my library today. That's what made me think about reorganizing that room. The one I liked the best was the book thief. It's good. The movie is pretty good, too, but it doesn't make much sense unless you read the book first. It didn't get a good rating, either. Tis a shame.

I think it's about time to go and do the thing.



I have forty five minutes to get this caught up. Challenge accepted

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