Chapter 15 The Arena

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“. . . I just can’t believe her!” she exclaimed for the nth time. “How can she judge him like that? It’s so unfair”

“We can’t really blame her or other people for thinking that way. Kwon Jiyong got a bad reputation and he did hurt you”

She sighed impatiently. I can tell she’s irritated.

“You shouldn’t gave fought with you mother” I quietly said. “She’s your mother, Dara and Kwon Jiyong’s just your neighbor”

“He’s not just a neighbor! He’s’. . .” she trailed. I looked at her with raised brows. She scowled and looked up ahead. “Never mind. I don’t want to pick a fight with you, either”

“Whay are you so affected, anyways?” I asked eventhough I already know the answer.

“Call me crazy or whatever but he’s my friend” she said.

“A friend?” I repeated.

“Not a friend-friend, it’s just that I . . . I don’t believe he’s that heartless”

She looked at me with pleading eyes.

“Try to get to know him” she said. “He’s not that bad”

A full minute of silence passed.

“I can’t promise you anything, Dara” I finally said. “He HURT you. That alone will make me. . .”


“Kwon Jiyong is’nt going to jail after all” Victoria opened. My eyes automatically went to Dara, watching her reaction.

“Where did you hear that?” Sulli asked.

“I got sources” Victoria smugly said. “Anyways, it turned out that Yunhwan was bitten by a snake”

Relief lit Dara’s face. I expected it already but I hoped for a different reaction. I sighed and shoved it out of my mind. It’s not goof to dwell on negative emotions. I’ll try to understand Dara’s “unusual behavior” towards Kwon Jiyong. For more or less a year that I’m with her, I learned that she firmly stands on what she believes in and she believes that Kwon Jiyong is not the person the rumors are saying. Eventhough I want to snap at him for what he did to Dara, I can’t and I won’t.

“I’m REALLY scared of him right now” Krystal shivered. “Before, I used to FEAR him but now, I MEGA FEAR him already. How come he can just walk away unscathed from all his crimes?”

“You heard Victoria, he didn’t kill Yunhwan. He was bitten by a snake” Dara countered.

Krystal shook her head. “I still believe it was HIM. He must’ve done something to make it look like a snake bite”

Dara was about to answer when I quickly caressed her face. She turned to mew, looking frustrated. I smoothed her frown out and smiled gently at her. I lifted her hand and gave it a light kiss.

“Frowning makes you look old” I chuckled. A smile curved her lips.

“I don’t look old!”

“You don’t but when you’re frowning, you!”

“That’s not true! Take that back” she said.

“Then don’t frown” I said. “I like it better when you smile”

She put up a poker face but I can see the spark of playfulness in her eyes.

“Oh, so you won’t smile unless I make you, huh?” I guessed. With a smirk, I breathed against her ear. She giggled.

The Shadows (COMPLETED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang