Chapter 72 The Sacrifice

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I stepped back from Dara. True, the kiss was a death gift, at least for me. If this would work, I don’t have to worry about Dara. I felt a twinge of guilt inside me as I saw Dara gave an encouraging smile. It’s not the first time I lied and kept something from her. I have never said that I don’t have flaws. Maybe I just wanted her to hate HIM. Of course she would hate him after everything that happened. But then, if what I’m thinking is right, will she be able to forgive him? The answer came as quickly as the question popped into my mind. I admire his guts, though. I don’t think I could have done everything he did and about to do for her – that is if what I’m thinking he’s trying to do is right. I admit I felt defeated but after thinking about things, I finally had a chance to DO something to keep her alive. The ultimate sacrifice of my life, you may say but compared to the things the other person did, I still feel a short step behind. But a sacrifice is still a sacrifice, right? Surely, any sacrifices are equally the same?

As I turned to face Jiyong, he was smirking darkly at me. And I knew right then and there that the game is on. One mistake from me and it’ll ruin everything.

“Are you done bidding goodbye?” he asked, looking straight forward.

“Jealous with what you saw?” I returned.

“Huh” he scoffed. “Enough with the chat. Let’s get this going”

We eyed each other carefully, weighing each other up. I know Sulli would not fulfil her part of the deal even if I win against Jiyong but I’m still hoping she would. Plus, the opportunity to get back at Jiyong from the last time we had a face-off was too strong to resist.

“Ready to lose?” he smirked.

“All geared up to win” I smirked back, feeling the power surge through my bidy. As I looked across the chamber, I saw him all geared up too with his all black eyes staring at me.

Silence then filled the chamber. In a heartbeat, we’re on towards each other. We me halfway somewhere and eventhough we didn’t make body contact, we were thrown off away from each other. Due to my training before, I was able to land back to the floor gracefully. A smirk curved my lips as I saw Jiyong bounced off from the wall to the floor. He rolled over and lay flat on his stomach. A manic smile curved his lips as he slowly pushed himself up. Despite myself, I also found joy from the current situation I’m in.

Jiyong suddenly disappeared from his spot. I then felt an arm around my neck coming from behind. I grabbed hold of his arm and tried to pull it off but when he only tightened his hold, I turned myself into a black smoke and quickly transitioned into a crow. I scratched his arm and heard a low hiss from him as I flew up to the ceiling. In an instant, he turned into a crow, too. I waited for him to reach me. as he did, the duel became a beak to beak and claw to claw clash. We were both trying to target each other’s wings, feet and eyes. So far, I managed to cause injury on one of his wings and feet while he was able to claw at my chest and pulled out one feather from my left wing.

I backed away from him the same time he flew back. With a distance of three feet from each other, I eyed him carefully. With a screech, he flew forward. I did the same and we met at the middle. My beak went to his neck whole my claw gripped on one of his wings. He screeched angrily again and went to bury his sharp claws in my stomach.

I let go of his neck and gave a screech. Without noticing it, we reached the floor. Upon reaching it, I quickly went to my human form and was about to step on the bird when Jiyong suddenly materialized from it.

“Jae!” I heard Dara called worriedly.

I wasn’t given the chance to respond because a force suddenly pushed me to the far away wall. I groaned out loud as the act caught me off guard, making me hit the wall hard. I looked up and saw Jiyong standing on his feet. I slowly pushed myself up. I felt myself faded from my spot and appeared on the spot where Jiyong was but he was obviously thinking of the same thing because the moment I appeared on his spot, he appeared on my previous spot at the far away wall.

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