Chapter 14 The Alley

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We still went to watch a movie but my mind was drifting. I can’t force myself to concentrate on the movie. Jae asked me if I was alright a few times and all I can afford was a nod. After attempting to enjoy ourselves, we decided to just call it a night. I felt band and guilty for being so quiet but I’m grateful Jae let me be. That’s one of his traits that I love the most. He just stays quiet and doesn’t press me any further. He would just let me feel that he’s just beside me. As I reading my mind, he squeezed my hand as he took a left turn on the road. I squeezed his hand back and sighed.

I turned to him and managed to smile as soon as the car stopped right in front of the house.

“Thanks” I mumbled, “for tonight”

He smiled wistfully. “It wasn’t the night I hoped for but I’m still happy that I got to spend it with you”

“Me, too”

I leaned to him for a kiss, which was received quite enthusiastically. As expected, a shiver ran down my spine. I drowned myself with the sensation his lips were creating because for a moment, I just want to forget about everything else. For a moment, I just want to think about him. For a moment, I just want it to be the two of us. I leaned closer, my hands resting on his shoulders. One of his hand went to my nape, locking my lips in place. His tongue commanded my lips to open, which I gladly followed.

I was left breathless when the kiss ended.

“It’s so unfair!” I half whined, half exclaimed.

“What is?” he asked, leaning his forehead against mine.

“How come you’re so calm after we kiss while I’m always breathless?”

He let out a light laugh. “I may look calm on the outside” he said and took my hand. He placed it on his chest, right over his beating heart. “But this isn’t. can you feel the hard pounding of it?” he whispered.

I glanced up. I can’t help but think that maybe he is really the one who’s destined for me. I’ve never been in love with one person this long.

“I love you” I whispered, smiling a little.

He gave me one of his blinding smile. “I love you, too”

I immediately looked out the window the moment I entered my room. My shoulders fell when I saw that the light were off from my neighbor’s room.

He’s not home.


I frowned as I saw a group of students whispering and crowded over something on the school ground. I squeezed myself in and gasped as I saw Yunhwan’s lifeless body on the ground. I looked up and searched for a hooded figure. Not too long, I saw him. He looked up and smirked. Then, he walked away.

Of course, everyone already knew what happened between Kwon Jiyong and Yunhwan last weekend. And now, everyone’s speculating that he killed Yunhwan. As the day progresses, the talks didn’t die down until I heard that Kwon Jiyong was called to the office with some cops waiting for him there. Even my friends were talking about him. I didn’t say anything. I kept my silence the whole time. I was fidgeting in my seat when I saw a dark figure walked past the door. I quickly raised my hand.

“I need to go to the comfort room” I said and quickly ran out. I looked around and saw him turned right. I followed.

When I turned right, I saw the door that leads to the back part of the school. I heard loud curses even before I opened the door. I stepped out.

“Kwon Jiyong” I called. He looked up sharply, eyes blazing. I saw him made way towards me, grabbed my arm forcefully and pushed me against the wall. I winced from pain. He loomed in front of me, hands on either side of my head.

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