Chapter 75 The Turmoil

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Bom shook her head as the girl bounced away.

“Hey” a new voice came from behind her. She looked back and inwardly groan upon seeing Dara. “Who was that?” she asked.

“Ahn Sohee” she answered casually.

“Oh” she mumbled. “Is she a new friend of yours?”

Bom took a deep breath first before answering. “She’s Jiyong’s fiancé”

“Who’s what?”

“She’s Kwon Jiyong’s fiancé” Bom repeated and eyed the girl carefully.

“Oh, really?” the girl chuckled lightly. “Does she. . . does she know about Jiyong being a. . . a shadow?”

“She knows everything, well except about you. ever since you left, Jiyong. . . oh well, it doesn't really matter” Bom answered. “She came from a shadow family, by the way”

“Ha? But wouldn’t that make her a masked shadow?”

“No” Bom waved off. “Masked shadows are born from a human or a shadow father but with the devil’s daughter as a mother. Sohee, on the other hand came from a shadow father and a human mother. And since being a shadow can only be passed to male, she’s pretty normal”

“Oh” Dara mumbled again. “Great”

“She’s a bit bratty but she’s alright”


Jiyong’s fiancé.

His fiancé.


The word kept echoing in my mind. Why does it feel like I can’t breathe? Why does it feel like my chest wanted to explode? Just thinking of that word makes me feel. . . .angry.

No, I shook my head. I should not get affected. It’s over. We’re through. And even if he doesn’t have a fiancé, I won’t ever get involve with him again. He killed my parents. He killed me. And if it wasn’t for him, Jae wouldn’t have to sacrifice himself for me. I’m just angry because he doesn’t deserve to have SOMEONE in his life. The memory of Jae brought all the guilt and pain back to the surface that I feel like drowning from it.

I'm not affected at all! i just don't like the idea of him being happy while I'm still mourning over my parents and Jae's death.

“Don’t miss me too much, okay?” a cute voice entered my ears. I glanced up and saw Jiyong with a cute girl clinging onto his arm.

“Conceited” I heard Jiyong growled. I felt a stabbing pain in my chest upon hearing him talk like that. He shouldn't be talking like that! He should talk like he's in pain!

“Still as grumpy as ever” the girl said.

“Are you leaving already?” Bom asked the girl.

The girl turned to Bom and smiled. “Yes” she said. “My Jiyong here was just- oh.” She paused when her eyes landed on me. “Hello”

“H-hi” I stammered, taken by surprise. The girl pulled away from Jiyong and bounced to me.

“I’m Ahn Sohee” she said, holding a hand out. “And you are?”

“S-sandara Park” I answered. “But you can call me Dara”

“Oh, okay” she smiled. “You can call me Sohee. It’s nice meeting you!”

“Nice meeting you, too!”

“I wish I could get to know you better” she said. “But I have a flight to catch. Are you My Jiyong’s friend?”

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