Chapter 74 The Step

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I don’t know how I was able to continue life after the incident. It’s been a week since I lost everything. Jae’s parents took the responsibility of ‘fixing’ some stuff about my parents’ deaths. I mean, there must be a HUMANLY reason behind their death. They also took care of the ‘cremation’ and stuff. Funny, there are even no bodies to cremate. The old castle caving in didn’t as much get to the news. Either the castle was long forgotten or nobody really cares about it.

I usually kept to myself, all locked up in my room, just staring at the ceiling. Bom and the others were my constant visitors, though I always ignore them everytime they visit me. I don’t really want to have anything to do with them. As for Jiyong, he never showed his face to me after what happened, which I was awfully grateful. His presence would just remind me of everything. There were times that I wanted him to get arrested but that would be a lot of work. How would I explain the absence of my parents body or Jae’s old. . . body? It was tempting but not attainable so I just dropped it off. Victoria and the girls also visited me. They once asked me what really happened to my parents but I kept my mouth shut. Like I said, the Kims fixed everything for me and I didn’t bother asking them what they came up with as the cause of my parents’ deaths.

One week eventually became two weeks. I stared at myself in the mirror. I can’t recognize the eyes and face staring back at me. My cheeks became hollow, my lips were pale and my hair was in disarray. I actually grew thinner, too. my eyes then caught the glimpse of the black angel pendant held by the chain around my neck. A decision suddenly formed in my mind.


My things were all packed up. I already put the house on sale. I’ll just leave everything to the agent. I’m just too eager to start a new life away from this place. I didn’t bring any of the appliances, either. I just packed my clothes, books and personal stuffs. After so much thinking and deliberation, I took my phone out and called Bom.

After the call ended, I took a deep breath and silently prayed for guidance. I slowly walked out of my room, of the house with my things on my arms. The moment I stepped out from the house, I didn’t dare look back. After putting all my things inside the car, I went in for the driver’s seat and started the car to life. As I drove down the Valley, flashes of memories came back to me that I almost choked on the tears threatening to fall down. But I held them in. I won’t shed a tear again. I’ve already shed too many tears.

I stopped the car upon reaching my destination. I don’t really know why I wanted to do this. Maybe I just wanted to see if he was suffering or that his conscience is bugging him. Maybe I just wanted to formally end everything. Maybe I just felt like doing this. And besides, I’ve got something to return to him. I could just throw it away, I know but I wanted to see what his reaction would be once I returned it to him.

As I stepped out of the car, I felt a bit lightheaded. I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. After that, I opened my eyes again and walked towards the shore. He wasn’t there yet but I didn’t mind. I kept on walking until I reached the shore. I hugged myself as the coldness of the air enveloped me.

“What do you want?” a voice came from my right.

Without glancing at him, I sighed. “Do you know how much I want to kill you right now?”

“Then why don’t you do it?” he asked.

“I don’t want to be a murderer like you” I said. “I’m not like that”

Silence then followed, except for the sound of the waves of the water.

“So, what do you want?” he asked again.

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