Chapter 31 The History

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“Jiyong” Jaejoong called. I stopped and turned around. “ill just talk to him for a while” he smiled down at Dara. The girl turned her eyes on me, glaring. Then, she raised her chin up in the air and walzked away.

“Brat” I heard Bom murmured.

“What do you want?” I asked Jaejoong. He grimaced, as if he ate something foul.

“Thank you” he finally said. “For talking to Dara about what happened in-“

“You didn’t tell her I was with you two when that happened, did you?” I snapped.

He looked taken aback but he sounded calm when re responded. “No. We haven’t talked about anything else yet. She was crying the whole time, saying sorry”

I relaxed and nodded slowly. “Don’t tell her that I . . . that I helped you”

“Why?” he asked, frowning.

“Shouldn’t you just thank me?” I asked coolly. “If you don’t have anything to say, I suggest you go ahead already. You don’t really want your girlfriend standing alone outside, do you?”

“Seungri followed her” Bom inserted.

“Anything else?” I asked Jaejoong again.

“Nothing” he said. “Thank you again”

When he was out of sight, Bom started tugging on my hand. I pulled my hand back and massaged my temples.

“My head hurts” I quietly said. “I need to rest”

“Huh!” Bom snorted. “The kiss was all for a show, wasn’t it?”

“No, it wasn’t” I raised my voice slightly. “I just feel so tired. . .”

“Of course” she snorted again, then walked away. I went to the room where I was staying a while ago. I slowly went to the bed. I closed my eyes. I didn’t lie when I said my head hurts. I don’t want to think of anything right nw but my mind’s working overtime instead. I can’t really blame Bom for deciding to break it up. I remembered we argued a lot that day. I was trying to reason out that she’ll just have to trust. Personally, I don’t believe in destiny, only in choices. But she thought otherwise. She’s still special to me, of course. But one simple decision changed everything we had before.



“Will you tell me everything now?”

He smiled. “I promise I’ll tell you next time. You need to rest Dara and we still need to stand up with the alibi Youngbae made to your parents”

I slowly nodded. “Will you be guarding me tonight?”

“Of course”

“I appreciate everything you do, Jae. I really do” I said. “But please don’t overtire yourself. Kwon Jiyong said you’ve been staying up all night for me”

“Dara, I love what I’m doing”

I shook my head. “Please do me a favor” I said. “Please take a rest tonight”


“Please?” I half begged him.

He sighed. “Okay”

“Promise? No cheating?”

“I promise, no cheating” he said, making me smile. “But you have to call me if ever you feel something odd and keep your lampshade on”

“What if you’re unavailable? Is it okay for me to call Kwon Jiyong, too?” I asked. I suddenly regretted the words as soon as they came out upon seeing Jae going very still. “I’m sorry, I-“

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