Chapter 26 The Research

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“Hey, can we talk?”

“About what?” Victoria asked.

“About Kwon Jiyong” I said.

“What about him?” she asked back, frowning.

“Why did you sleep with him?” I went directly.

“I did say I find him hot, right?” she said. “When the news about him helping your Dad spread out, I had a change of heart. You know me, Dara”

“That’s exactly my point” I exasperatedly said. “You were so vocal about your negative thoughts and feelings towards him and then you suddenly changed your mind. It-“

“God!” she exclaimed. “Why are you making a big deal out of this? It was just a one night stand!”

I kept my silence. Honestly? I don’t think she had the right to just approach Jiyong and ask him to sleep with her after all the bad things she said about him before.

“If you got anything else to say, better say it now ‘coz I need to go to class”

I shook my head in response. She turned to leave just in time that I saw Jae heading my way.

“What’s up with Victoria?” he asked as he leaned down a kiss on my cheek. “She seemed in a bad mood”

“We just had a little misunderstanding” I murmured.

“Why? What happened?”

“Remember when you called and I told you I was with Kwon Jiyong?”

“Ahuh” he nodded.

“Well, I actually saw Victoria in his bed, naked!”

“Really?” he chuckled. “That’s interesting”

“It’s not funny”

“I can’t see anything wrong with it” he shrugged. “I mean, they’re old enough to know what they’re doing”

I glared at him and walked away, stomping.



Dara was still being grumpy towards Jaejoong. He already asked for forgiveness but he won’t say that what Victoria and Jiyong said was wrong and that’s exactly what’s making her grumpy.

So, one gloomy afternoon, Dara walked ahead Jaejoong. She crossed the street, heading towards the car when something happened.

Jiyong, who was across the street saw what’s going on. He felt it. He felt a very strong force making the truck go all fast towards Dara. He saw how the driver kept on stepping on the breaks but the truck only went faster. He saw how the driver tried to maneuver the steering wheel to avoid the girl but the wheel won’t budge. Unthinkingly, he used his own force to maneuver the truck, making it turn to the left sharply, causing a screeching sound.

Dara, who saw the truck approaching was too shocked to even move. But then, she felt two strong arms pulled her out of the way. She knew right then and there that it was Jaejoong. He hugged her close to his chest, stroking her back while kissing her hair over and over again.

“Thank God you’re okay!” he exclaimed and glanced at Jiyong, silently thanking him with his eyes. He mentally scolded himself for not thinking of using his powers to maneuver the truck. Good thing Jiyong was quick enough to think about it. Of course, it’s natural for Jiyong to react like that because he’s mostly basing his decisions on instincts.

“Oh God!” she gasped. “I was so scared! I really thought the truck will hit me”

“Hush, it’s okay now” he comforted.

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