Chapter 62 The Condition

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Just like at the Foundation dance, everyone was frozen like statues, even Dara. My mind automatically started working. The most basic thing to do is to attack her but then. . . .she’s not an ordinary shadow, is she?

“White doesn’t suit you” I casually started.

“Oh, you think?” she smiled, slowly walking around people. “Your opinion matters to me, you know”

“Yes, I think so”

“Would you prefer pink?” she asked. “It’s Dara’s favorite color”

“I don’t think pink suits you either” I said.

“What color do you think suits me best, then?”

“Green” I answered at once. “Just like the green slimy snakes you brought tonight. Oh, black and red suits you, too”

“Don’t piss me off, Jiyong” she sweetly smiled. “You don’t want your girlfriend to die tonight, do you?”

“What do you want then?” I hissed.

She shrugged. “I haven’t made up my mind yet”

“You’re a cunning bitch, aren’t you?”

“Oooh” she trilled. “I love it everytime you talk dirty. I find it very sexy”

I geared myself up and saw my all black eyes staring back at me from the glass door. My fists curled. I just want to strangle her until she chokes to death. I glanced at Dara and took her hand, trying to undo what the bitch did to her but I can’t get through, it’s like there’s a big and strong barrier surrounding her.

“Don’t waste time and energy, Jiyong” I heard her say. “You won’t break it”

“Fuck you” I spat out.

She laughed. For some reason, I found it irritating that I wanted to kill her. I want to rip her to pieces!

“I’m not going to kill her” she smiled sweetly again. “Yet”

She continued walking around the people in the dance floor. She was making fun of them and I can see she was taking pleasure from it.

“Why?” I gritted.

“No particular reason” she shrugged. “She’s just too good to be true, don’t you think? Too jolly, too friendly – it’s annoying. Then there’s this bright aura surrounding her that irritates me. I wonder what you liked about her.”

“She’s not a bitch like you would be one”

She laughed heartily. “I can be as sweet and innocent as her you know”

“That won’t change the fact that you’re still a bitch. It’s all pretense, isn’t it?”

“Ah, Jiyong. You’re hurting my feelings” she sighed. “Can you hear yourself talking? Come on, let’s not fool ourselves here. From the very first time I saw you, I already felt it. I felt your hunger and greed for power, lust, violence and everything there ever is so stop pretending that you’re a nice person who’s acting like a hero to save his girlfriend. Face the truth, Jiyong. You’re as greedy and evil as me”

“I don’t really know what you’re talking about” I confessed. “All I know is that I want to kill you right now”

“You can’t do that” she said. “No one can”

“You might be surprised”

“You won’t stand a chance, Jiyong so I suggest you drop it off. I don’t want to hurt you, you know”

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