Chapter 41 The Crybaby

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“Jiyong, I’m tired” I complained. “And it’s already dark. I think we should camp here”

“Aish” he muttered. I grinned as he settled his bag down and started setting up the tent. I went to help but I always end up crashing the tent down.

“I’m just trying to help!” I defended as he started shouting at me.

“You call this helping?! How am I going to finish setting this up if you keep on-?”

“I’m not doing this purpose! I-“

“Just sit somewhere!” he snapped.


“Sit!” he cut off. “And no nothing!”

“Ya!” I’m not a dog for you to order around like that” I fired back.

“Dogs are more intelligent compared to you” he mumbled darkly.

I balled my fists. He’s just SO RUDE! How come I wanted to be his friend? Aish! Nevertheless, I won’t let him get to me. “Huh!” I scoffed. “If I don’t know better, I’d think you just don’t want me to do anything because you don’t want me to get tired”

“You should go to a psychiatrist after this”

“And you should go with me too” I returned.

“Yeah, maybe I should do that” he said. “Maybe that’ll hell me understand why on earth I’m tolerating your presence”

“You don’t need a psychiatrist for that” I said. “I’m simply charismatic, that’s why”

He laughed lightly and shook his head. When he didn’t speak anymore, I started taking pictures of him again.

“Stop that!” he suddenly hissed. “It’s distracting me”

“I’m bored” I simply said. “And I find you to be a very funny subject”

“If you’re bored, do something useful”

“Like what?” I asked. He glanced up and glared at me.


“Remove your shirt” I said as soon as we were inside the tent.

“What for?”

“I’m going to give you a free massage, remember?”

“There’s no need for-“

“I’ll remove it myself then”

“Fuck! You really are fuc-!” he stopped as I slapped his mouth. I then helped him remove his shirt then I turned him on his stomach.

“Do you call that massage? I can’t feel anything”

“I’m not doing anything yet” I rolled my eyes. I then went to my task. I can’t help but feel angry as I felt the scars on his back. He didn’t deserve any of these scars!

After massaging his back, I went to his legs.

“That’s called touching, not massaging you lady maniac” he growled.

“Why are you so impatient?” I growled back.

“Because I want to annoy you. And you have to admit, it’s working”

“Obviously” I mumbled darkly, making him chuckle.

“Bom’s tenfold better than you”

“If she’s so good, then why don’t you just get back with her then?” I snapped, irritated.

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