Chapter 12 The Warning

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I heard a knock. I looked at the time in my phone and found out it’s already quarter past eleven. Who could be calling in this late? With a frown, I climbed out of bed and walked to the door.


Jae! What are you doing here?”

One corner of his lips lifted as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He leaned against it, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his body.

“You made fun of me a while ago”

I chuckled. “Are you going to punish me?”

“No. I’m happy to see you laugh, even if it’s in my expense” he chuckled. “Why, do you want to e punished?”

“Hmm” I mumbled as I lift my arms and wrapped them around his neck. “That depends on what kind of punishment you have in mind”

“You don’t really find me boring, do you?”

I chuckled lightly again. “What if I do?”

“Tease” he chuckled before reaching for my lips. As expected, a shiver ran down my spine as if an invisible cold hand touched me.


I don’t know how it happened but I just found myself lying on the bed with him half-covering my body. I took in a quick gasp as he momentarily left my lips to move his head to the right. His hand slipped under me to pull me up against him. We both stopped as we heard an achoing sound from somewhere.

“It’s twelve midnight” he chuckled.

“Oh yeah” I mumbled. “I forgot you got a grandfather clock here”

“I should leave” he said.

“No” I protested. “Can’t you stay for a little longer?”

“I can’t” he chuckled. “If I stay, something might happen. I don’t want to break the promise I gave to your parents AND I don’t want to lose their trust”

“What they don’t know won’t hurt them”

He gave me a peck on the lips. “Will you behave? I’m trying to be the good guy here. and besides, I came here to say goodnight”

“Spoilsport” I pouted.

“Maybe next time” he chuckled against and stood up. “Go to sleep”

“Have a sweetdream”

“Sweetdreams, too” he smiled; driving away all the negativity I’m thinking and feeling.

I watched him slowly walked to the door. I pulled the blankets up as soon as the door closed. I heard a tapping noise. I frowned and went to the window. I looked outside but saw nothing. I shook my head and was about to go to bed when I saw something at the corner of my eyes. I stopped and looked out again. I gasped as I saw more or less a hundred crows outside. I moved closer to the window and blinked. Suddenly, they were gone.



“We’re here” I gently shook her. She gave a start. She blinked her eyes open, frowning. And then, she yawned and stretched out.

“Sorry I slept on you” she said. “I had a weird dream last night”

“Really?” what did you dream about?”

“Crows” she croaked. “They were flying around me in circles. Before that, I even thought I saw crows outside the window. Weird”

“You’re reading too much novels” I quietly said, trying to keep my voice steady.

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