Chapter 35 The Watcher

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“What’s this?” Dara asked as soon as she arrived and saw piles of boxes in the living room.

“We’re packing all of our stuffs”

“Why?” she asked.

“We’re going to move out, dear” her father said.

“But why?” she asked again.

“The company your father’s working for moved him to a different branch, a last-minute notice so-“

“I’m not moving out” she announced.

“Dara, you-“

“I’m sorry Dad, but I’m not going with you”

“Don’t be stubborn, Dara. It’s-“

“Think about it, Mom. It’s in the middle of the school year and I don’t really want to-“

“I’m not going to leave you alone here!” her mothers said. “It’s not safe for a young girl to live alone-“

“Mom, I’m old already. I can take care of myself”

“Don’t take me as a fool, young woman. If you think you and Jae could do ANYTHING you want-“

“Dad!” she burst out. “If you don’t want me to live alone in this house, that’s fine. I’ll move in with Victoria or Luna or Krystal or anywhere else but I’m NOT leaving this place”

A seemingly endless argument followed. Nobody wants to step down. But still in the end, Dara won.

“So, when are you guys leaving?” she asked.

“Two days from now”


“Kwon Jiyong! Kwon Jiyong! Kwon Jiyong!”

Jiyong automatically jumped to his feet. He looked around, alert. Then, he frowned as he saw no sign of the girl anywhere. He silently scolded himself for thinking that she’s here in the arena. His friends, who looked surprise, were looking at him.

“Err, I think it’s your phone” Seungri said.

“A phone?” CL repeated.

“Didn’t I just say phone?” Seungri retorted, earning him a glare from CL.

Jiyong took the phone out from his pocket and saw the screen blinking with the girl’s voice saying Kwon Jiyong! Kwon Jiyong! over and over again.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Bom exclaimed.

“Is that supposed to be a ringtone?” CL asked blankly.

“Obviously, stupid” Seungri chuckled.

“Knock it off, Seungri” Youngbae warned.

“Since when did you have a phone?” CL asked Jiyong again.

“Why are you being nosy? So what if he-“

“Shut up, Seungri” Bom cut off and looked at Jiyong with an unreadable expression. “Aren’t you going to answer that?”

Jiyong shrugged and took the call. “What do you want?” he greeted.

“Jiyong!” the girl’s cheerful voice greeted him back. “Did you like your ringtone? Hehe. I recorded that when I went to your house and you-“

“Spare me the details” I grimaced. “What do you want? This better be good, spoofy ‘coz this phone is intended for emergency cases only”

“Just wanted to let you know that my parents moved out” she started and went on to the whole story. He was amused at how Jaejoong was able to find a way at once. He’s pretty sure it was the other guy’s doing. He started feeling the heavy stares of his friends on him. He wasn’t talking, not even saying anything. He was simply listening so he can’t understand why they were all staring at him.

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