Chapter 70 The Limit

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Sulli dragged the chair right in front of Dara. The video should have made her numb already but no, the pain only heightened especially when Jiyong walked towards the other girl and dipped his head in her neck. All the while, Sulli kept her eyes on her, watching every flicker or twist of pain.

As much as Dara didn’t want to cry or show any emotions that will satisfy Sulli, she failed. Every inch of her body screamed in pain the moment the couple started stripping each other’s clothes off. She wanted to scream, she wanted to beg them to stop but for some unknown reasons, she can’t find her voice – she actually can’t find any strength to do so.

Her eyes – which were kept open by Sulli’s power, teared up endlessly. The pain was so excruciating that she can’t see her self recovering from it. Ha, the pain was beyond a normal being can endure.

“Oh God!” she gasped as she found Jiyong and Sulli naked now.

Sulli pushed Jiyong down on the chair, keeping her eyes on the helpless girl chained against the wall. She licked her lower lip excitedly as she spread her legs and settled herself in Jiyong’s lap in a straddling position.

“Aaah…” a low moan escaped her throat as she felt Jiyong inside her, which was responded by Jiyong with a grunt. And then, she started moving her hips. “Yes. . . . drive me to oblivion. . . . yes. . . .”

“Sulli, oh. . .”

Dara stood there helplessly, having no choice but to watch every movement of Sulli’s hips or her body waves, watch every thrust Jiyong made, watch how they were joined together and watch as they engaged to an impossibly wild kiss. She listened to every moan, pant, grunt, sigh and scream of pleasure. She just wanted it to end but no, Sulli had an opposing thought for the deed was followed by a series of rounds with every possible position there ever is. And she wasn’t able to take it in any longer. She screamed. She screamed as loud as she can, hoping that it’ll take away all the pain inside her. The loudness of her scream caused the place to vibrate. She screamed over and over again until her voice finally gave up on her – it turned husky and weak. Great waves of pain shook her body with her tears continuously falling down. Thinking how many times she cried, her tears should have gone dry by now but no, it’s as if there’s an endless supply of tears inside her. But why was she crying anyways? Why should seeing Jiyong with Sulli cause her pain? Why would she cry over someone who’s not destined for her?

As her cries turned to weak sobs, that’s when Sulli got up and put her dress back on.

“You can now close your eyes, Dara” she said. “I’m pretty sure everything’s been burned behind your eyelids already”

Dara’s eyes turned to Jiyong. Her once pleading eyes were now full of nothing but coldness. “How could you?” she asked weakly. “You disgust me!”

Jiyong stood up and put his clothes back on. “I don’t care”

“Jiyong, I guess it’s time to bring the guests in”

The moment Jiyong left, Sulli faced me again. With a slow smile, she said, “Did you enjoy the show?”

“Screw you!” Dara hissed.

“Dara, you surprise me. Since when did you become so feisty, eh?” Sulli chuckled. “I sure did have fun watching your face twist in pain and how your eyes glittered with tears. It was the most beautiful thing ever!”

“You’re evil”

“I know right?” she scoffed. “But you haven’t seen everything yet”

Scuffling sounds grabbed their attention. The both of them looked up. Upon seeing the company who entered the chamber, both have different reactions. Sulli’s face broke into a satisfied grin while Dara gasped in shock upon seeing her parents and Jaejoong being lifted in the air by Jiyong. She immediately inspected her parents to see if any harm was done to them. She breathed in a relief at the absence of any physical harm. Her eyes then darted to Jaejoong. What she saw squeezed her heart painfully. The guy was not as lucky as her parents. There were cuts and bruises in his face and arms. She even saw some presence of dry blood.

“Dara!” Jaejoong breathed weakly as soon as he saw her. Hearing this, her parents looked up and followed the guy’s gaze. Dara choked her tears out upon seeing fear in her parents’ eyes and the way there were trembling so hard.

“I’m sorry” she cried. “I’m sorry for bringing you into this”

Her parents looked up at her with tears in their eyes. She then realized that their lips were sealed close. Upon realizing this, fresh wave of pain hit her. Her insides were twisted upon putting her parents into the current situation they’re in.

A clap was then heard. Jaejoong’s body lifted from the ground. Dara’s parents cowered away and stared at the poor boy’s floating body. With a flick of Sulli’s hand, Jaejoong was sent against the wall not too far from Dara and just like her, he was chained against it.

“Jae. . . .” Dara called softly. “What happened to you?”

“Jiyong was bored” he answered. “And Sulli thought it’d be fun for him if he beat me up. He grew stronger than me, it seems. And the hag’s been teaching him some. . . tricks”

“I’m sorry” she whispered. She felt responsible somehow for bringing her parenst and Jaejoong into this turmoil.

“Don’t blame yourself”

“Now, for the-“ Sulli started but suddenly stopped. A menacing smile suddenly lit her face. “Ooh, we’ve got more company coming”

A black smoke enveloped her, then she was gone.

“Dara” Jaejoong called. Reluctantly, Dara tore off her eyes from her parents and turned to the guy beside her.

“What is it?”

A bittersweet smile curved his lips. “I think we both know how this would end”

“Jae” she protested.

“No, just hear me out” he pleaded. “I don’t want to part this world with the regret of not telling you how I-“

“You’re not going to die” she hissed.

“Let’s be realistic here, Dara” he said.

“I’m sorry” she whispered. “It’s my fault”

“It’s no one’s fault, Dara” he patiently said.

Dara bowed her head. Hearing that from him didn’t change how she feels about the whole situation. She still blames herself. It was all her fault. It’s her that Sulli wants to suffer and the way to do it is to hurt her loved ones. A familiar snort brought her out of her reverie. She glanced sideways where the snort came from and met Jiyong’s dark eyes. She looked deep into them, searching for the warmth and gentleness she used to see. But there was nothing but coldness and hardness in them. An intense feeling then boiled in her veins.

“Jae” she heard herself mumble. “You said you’ve got something to tell me. What is it?”

“I love you” he sincerely said. “I just want you to know how much I love you, Dara. Eventhough there were things in the past that I didn’t expect, I still love and always will”

She felt herself smile as she returned Jaejoong’s steady gaze. “You know I love you too, right? I told you so during our Europe trip”

The guy managed a chuckle. “I remember” he said, then sighed.

“How romantic” Jiyong scoffed.

“She’s not going to die” Jaejoong said out of nowhere, making Jiyong stare at him with an unreadable expression. “Even if I have to give up my life, I would. I will make sure she won’t die” he continued.

An unusual silence filled the chamber. Dara was alternately looking at the two and can’t help but notice how they seemed to talk with their eyes.

“You can try” Jiyong then shrugged, looking away. “But you won’t stand a chance. You might be an elite but that’s not enough for you to win this game”

Angry noises suddenly filled the chamber. Dara’s father stood up and went forward to Jiyong but the former was thrown back even before he could reach the younger guy. Seeing this, Dara gasped out loud from horror.

“Dad!” she called.

The lady then quickly went to her husband. Having the inability to speak, she fidgeted her hands on him to see of he was harmed or hurt. When there seemed to be nothing wrong, the wife hugged her husband and silently cried in relief.

Dara closed her eyes and almost cried to tears, too but she stopped herself. When she opened her eyes, she immediately searched for Jiyong, who at the time had his back on her. The love she has for him was now being covered by something else. But she pushed it aside for a while. She took a deep breath and tried to take her chance again.

“Jiyong” she called with a tight voice. “Please, let my parents go. I’ll do anything you ask just please, don’t hurt them”

The boy turned to face her. A slow smirk curved his lips. “It’s not really in my hands, little girl”

“Did I miss something?” Sulli came in.

“Not much” Jiyong answered, keeping his eyes on Dara. “The soulmates were just having their moment”

“Oh” Sulli mumbled in amazement. “That would have been fun to watch”

“It was funny” Jiyong went, his eyes not leaving Dara.

“Anyways” Sulli said. “I’ve got a surprise for you Jiyong”

Jiyong then pulled his eyes away from Dara and looked at Sulli. “Really?”

“Yes” Sulli sweetly smiled. “Your. . . former friends decided to join us”

Jiyong’s brow rose as he saw that Sulli was alone. Knowing what he thinks, Sulli laughed merrily. She clicked her fingers and four statues appeared beside her. Flicking her hand carelessly, the four unfroze and were sent flying against the wall, where they were chained just like Jaejoong and Dara.

“Nice of you guys to drop by” Jiyong turned to the four”

“I didn’t come here to visit you” Seungri snapped. “I came here to save Dara”

Sulli burst out laughing. “What a foolish boy. What made you think you’ll stand a chance against me?”

“Don’t underestimate the power of friendship”

“Friendship?!” Sulli barked out another laugh. She bent over and clutched her stomach from too much laughing. “Tell me. Are you really a shadow?”

“Of course I am” Seungri answered and was about to turn into a crow but he can’t.

“The chains aren’t simple chains” Jiyong informed him, sounding utterly bored. “Stop trying” he added.

“Oh, Jiyong” Sulli chuckled. “Let him be. He’s just showing the power of his friendship with Dara”

“Will you lower your voice down?” Bom suddenly snapped, rolling her eyes. “Your voice sounds like that of a hag. It’s awful and irritating!”

“What did you say?” Sulli slowly asked.

“Geez, what an empty-headed bitch” Bom went on but her mouth was suddenly sealed close as she gave a muffled scream. Sulli was staring at her innocently with her eyes turning all red. Bom’s hands clenched and unclenched as white hot knife-like pain hit her body.

“Stop!” Youngbae bellowed. Sulli’s red eyes turned to him, a slow sweet smile curved her lips. She slowly walked to him and encircled her hand around his neck, her thumb and fingers burying deep at the side. She leaned forward and licked his cheek.

“I’ll spare you for the meantime” she whispered. “You did come handy when I needed one”

“If you hurt Bom again, you’ll regret it” Youngbae gritted.

Sulli rolled her eyes and stepped away from him. “Since when will you guys accept that all of you won’t stand a chance against me? Anyways, I just remembered” she said and turned to Dara. “How did it feel when the girls went against you?”

Dara froze and stared at Sulli blankly. “You manipulated them” she said in a monotonous voice.

“Something like that” Sulli nodded. “It was pretty easy. You see, the girls have been secretly jealous of you, especially Victoria. And it only heightened up when she noticed how you seemed. . . close to Jiyong. She was an easy job, that one. But I admit I had a hard time polluting and clouding Krystal’s mind. She was pretty firm with her ideals and pretty loyal to you, too. But eventually, I got into her. you don’t know how happy I was when I saw you feeling all down and sad and lonely”

“Huh” Jaejoong snorted. “You take pride in polluting their minds? Why don’t you try manipulating Dara?”

Dara glanced sideways sharply, her eyes wide with shock. Thinking that Jaejoong’s turning against her, tears started forming in her eyes.

“What’s the problem?” Jaejoong asked with a smirk. “Can’t take the fact that you can only control the weak kind of human beings?”

Sulli went stiff for some time. Then, her chin went up defiantly with a frown marring her forehead. “I admit” she slowly said, turning her eyes to Dara, “that I can’t seem to control her. I’ve even tried possessing her before but her body and mind kept on rejecting me. I got pissed, of course but then I found out something quite interesting. You see, everytime her body fights me off, it always leave her exhausted, which leaves her prone to curses and stuffs. Still, her body was able to endure it until one day, she finally gave in”

A deafening silence filled the chamber.

“That’s the reason why you hate her, don’t you?” Jaejoong asked in a tone that sounded he just realized something. “You want her dead because you’re afraid of how she can resist you”

Sulli’s frown deepened. She glanced at Dara again, wearing a quizzical expression. The chamber was once again filled by silence. Everyone was in deep thought as they peeked at Dara, who was on the process of taking in what Jaejoong said. But her ‘below sea level’ intellect just like a person told her, can’t process everything at once. She then tilted her head to the side as she saw the uneasiness in Sulli’s face.

“Hey bitch” Seungri called. “Was it just me or did you really look scared?”

“If you don’t want another scar, you better shut up” Sulli hissed.

“Oh, didn’t you know? I’m called as ‘Seungri, The Scarred’ nowadays so I don’t really mind” Seungri airily said.

An amused grunt sounded. Everyone’s eyes went to the couple cowered at one corner. Dara’s whole being was suddenly filled with dread when Sulli’s eyes landed on her parents.

“Oh” Sulli mumbled, sounding amused. “I almost forgot about you two”

“Don’t hurt them!” Dara suddenly panicked, fearing how Sulli’s voice sounded but the masked shadow ignored her.

“Jiyong” Sulli turned to the guy. “Are you ready for the fourth condition?”

“I’m always ready” Jiyong answered.

“Condition?” Seungri wondered loudly. “What condition?”

“It’s none of your business”

“Why do keep on meddling in everything, Seungri?” CL spoke up.

“What’s the matter with you?” Seungri returned. “We’re already in a compromising situation but all you ever think of is stopping me from meddling?”

“SHUT UP!” Sulli roared her eyes wide with anger. CL and Seungri’s mouth then closed.

“Hey Sulli” Jiyong called lazily. “Why are you wasting your time on some weakling like them?”

Sulli took a deep breath. “Sorry about that”

Jiyong nodded. “So, what’s the fourth condition?”

A euphoric smile spread across Sulli’s face. “The fourth condition is to kill Dara’s parents in front of her”

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