Chapter 6 The Assumption

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“O-kay” she slowly said, her lips rounding on each syllable. If he was expecting to scare her off, he was sorely disappointed with her next words. “I knew it! I knew it!”

“You knew?” he breathlessly asked.

“You’re a fallen angel, aren’t you?” she said, her eyes knowingly looked at me. He spit his drink out and coughed out loud.

“A what?!” he burst out. Before he can stop himself, he laughed out loud. He looked at her closely then. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were droopy. “You’re fcukingly drunk. You should go home”

“Yes, I should” she nodded. “Are you going to walk me home?”

“No” he simply answered.

“You’re really rude” she mumbled and staggered upwards. But her knees wobbled, making her jerkier. She fell sideways, in his lap. The boy cursed loudly again as he pushed the girl off him. Dara rolled to the ground, moaning.

“Get up!” he growled.

“Why? I want to sleep” she mumbled.

“Go sleep in your house, not in front of my porch!”

“My house?” she asked loudly. “Where’s my house?”

Jiyong got on his feet and pulled the girl up. With nothing but disgust on his face, he put her arm on his shoulders and walked her to her house. The girl leaned on her door and turned the knob. He was about to leave when Dara stop her.

“It’s locked!” she whined.

“Then get your key” he impatiently said.

“I can’t remember where I put it”

“Jesus!” he breathed. “That’s not my problem anymore”

He started walking away.

“Can I sleep in your house?” she called, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around, blood boiling dangerously in his veins.


“But where am I going to sleep?” she asked in a child-like voice.

Jiyong closed her eyes in frustration. How he wanted to strangle the life out of the girl! When he opened his eyes, he saw her lying on the doorstep, curled in a ball. He doesn’t know if the sight of her irritated him more or amused him. But he doesn’t really care. He went back to his house, ran up straight to his room and took a shower. After putting clean clothes on, he turned off the lights and went to sleep.

It was around midnight, around 12:15 when he woke up again. He stared at the ceiling for a while before flicking the lights open. He went downstairs then outside. He checked on the neighbor and saw that the girl was fast asleep on the doorstep. He cursed himself over and over again before jumping over the fence. He walked towards the house and scooped the girl up, cursing himself again. ‘Why the fcuking hell am I doing this?’ he asked himself angrily.

He walked back to his own place and paused for a while, thinking where he should put the girl. He could just send her back to her room. But why would he waste energy for this girl? He sighed and decided to just bring her in his room since he doesn’t really step into the two other rooms.

He LITERALLY threw the girl to his bed as carelessly as he can that the girl rolled over the bed and dropped to the floor. He let out a growl of frustration as he hauled her up and put her on the bed.



My head’s pounding! Is this what they call hangover? I guess this would be. I moaned loudly.

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