Chapter 65 The Prediction

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I decided to bring Dara to my place. Seeing her in this state made me remember the times when I was like her, the time when she broke up with me and chose Jiyong. Yes, I can see myself in her. But the thing is, she looked worst than me. She was curled in a tight ball with her hands clutched on her chest. The sound of her sobs put a lump on my throat. I know it will take some time for her to stop crying so I decided to leave her alone in the room first to give her time for herself. I’m pretty sure she won’t talk to anyone at this time; she won’t even attempt to eat or get out of bed. Time and being alone is all I could give her right now.

I went to get myself a drink. As the alcohol ran down my throat, I heaved a sigh. I don’t know what’s really going on in Jiyong’s mind or why suddenly turned Dara over to me. I asked him what’s going on but he didn’t say anything. He just told me to do my part of the deal. I should be happy with what’s happening lately but I can’t find any tinges of happiness inside me after seeing Dara like that. I snorted. Yeah, maybe I’m too kind for a shadow. But that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to lie, too. I kept secrets from Dara before, even lied to her before.

I’ve been wishing for Dara to return to me but not in this state. I admit it’s gut wrenching seeing her so broken because of another guy. All those time when I was sulking in my room, drowning myself with alcohol - I’ve been asking myself what Jiyong have that I don’t have, what Dara saw in him that she didn’t see in me. Up until now, I still don’t have any answer. I can’t help but blame myself sometimes. I knew from the very start that Dara seemed. . . . different towards Jiyong despite all the rumors surrounding him. But still, I asked Jiyong to watch over her when I went away. At that time, I ignored the risk or the possible consequences of my decision because Dara’s safety came first on my list of priorities. Call me stupud or whatever, but I’m fine being second place in Dara’s life as long as I can be with her.


it’s been two days since I brought Dara to my place and as expected, she remained in her room – crying and not talking. She hasn’t taken anything by mouth so I decided to give her some IV fluids since I know I can’t force her to eat just yet. I understand how she feels, I’ve been there. But in time, I’ll have to make her face the truth. In time, I’ll have to make her realize that Jiyong left her already.

I watched her tear-stained face as she sleeps. It would be foolish to deny my own pain. Up until now, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Dara’s in love with Jiyong. As I reached out to caress her face, I heard the sound of the door bell echoing through the whole house. I frowned at this. Who would visit me in this late hour? With curiosity leading me, I went to open the door.

“Bom” I acknowledged.

“Is Dara here?” she asked.

“Yes, why?”

“We’ve been looking for her” she said. “I should have known she’d be here. Can I come in?”

“Of course” I nodded and stepped aside to let her in.

“How is she?” she asked as I led her inside.

“She’s okay. . . . physically”

“My friends are worried about her” she said.

“Do you have any idea why Jiyong is doing this?”

“No” she sighed. “But I know he got good reasons for doing this. And before you judge Jiyong, I’d like to inform you that he cares for Dara. I even believe he loves her as much as you love her”

“I’m not judging him” I defended myself. “I figured that part myself. He came to me, you know. He said he’s giving me Dara back and he told me to take care of her. Then, he ordered that no matter what happen, I have to keep her alive”

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