Chapter 27 The Invite

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I’ve been thinking of ways how I’m going to tell Dara about everything. On the bigger note, I don’t even know if I should tell her. I’m afraid of how she’s going to react. But the thing that I dread the most is her rejection. What if she won’t accept who I really am?

I sighed. I should not think of her reaction. I should prioritize her safety first. If she’ll reject me after I tell her everything, it’s up to her – I’ll accept it as long as she listens to me and pay importance to my everything I’ll tell her.

This suck! I really don’t want to tell her anything. It’s better if that’s the case. The truth will only scare her off. I don’t want that.

I want to end this game already. I want to stop whoever that person is. The problem here, I really don’t know where to start looking. I only know that incidence in the forest. Then there’s the fact that I can’t leave Dara ALONE and go look for answers.

The idea that I’ve been ignoring and rejecting seemed rational now. I know how Dara is everytime we’re not together. She always goes and seeks for Kwon Jiyong. Should I let her ALWAYS go to him everytime I’m away? I admit I got jealous when he was able to save her that one time, though Dara’s not aware of it. He always move based on instincts while I was brought up to analyze everything first before doing something. What if Dara finds out that it wasn’t really me who saved her, what will happen? I shook my head as unwelcomed thoughts came to my mind. I should trust her, I should have faith in her words.

“Jae!” she sang. I looked up in time to see her running to me with a bright smile on her face. I smiled and welcomed her in my arms as she threw herself to me. I lifted her feet off the ground and hugged her tight.

“Ah, I missed you” I chuckled.

“I missed you too, eventhough we were just together five hours ago” she chuckled back.

“Black Panthers rule!” Luna’s voice came from behind. We both turned around and saw her waving to her fellow cheerleaders. She then faced us and smiled. “Hey you guys, what are you gearing up for the foundation dance?”

“Oh gosh! I forgot to buy a dress!” Dara exclaimed. “I have to do some shopping!”

“Hey, it’s at the end of the month, right?” I asked. “What’s with the rush?”

Luna gave me a look. “It’s next week, jaejoong” she said. “And you’ll never understand girls”

“I’ll do some shopping tomorrow” Dara determinedly said.

“We could use my car if you want” I suggested but she shook her head.

“You’re not coming with me” she said.

“Why not?” I asked, frowning.

“I don’t want you to see what I’m going to wear. I want to surprise you” she said, eyes twinkling. “Plus, it’ll only bore you”


“No buts, Jae” she sternly cut off.

I sighed. “Okay, but who’re you going with?”

She shrugged. “I could ask any of the girls or some friends”

Why do I have the feeling that she’s going to ask Kwon Jiyong to accompany her?



“Kwon Jiyong!”

I’m starting to hate that tone and I definitely hate that voice. I had a feeling that she needs something so I didn’t stop and just continued walking. But of course, she caught up with me.

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