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It was Thursday afternoon when Randhir entered the house calling her name from the gate only.

"Sanyukta.. Where are you?" He called entering the mansion.
"I'm in the kitchen Randhir." She replied as soon as she heard him calling.

"Come to the room quickly." He said dashing upstairs towards their room leaving no place for her buts and ifs.

"Go and see why your husband is calling you." Renuka gave her a playful smile making Sanyukta blush.

Washing her hands and wiping it with a towel Sanyukta  made her way to their room.

"What are you doing here at this hour of time.. Don't you have work in office?" She asked as she entered the room. "And what are you doing with this suitcase?" She added as she saw him opening the suitcase.

"I'm here regarding the work only." He replied filling up the suitcase with his clothes.
"Are you going somewhere Randhir?" She frowned. How dare he planned going somewhere and didn't tell her beforehand.

"Yup but not me, we are going. I have a important meeting in Goa so we are going." He explained.
"Who keep meeting in such a romantic place and what made you think I'll accompany you."

"A client is there on vacation so he asked us to held a meeting there only." He shrugged. "And I will miss you so I'm taking you with me."

"Oh so just because you will miss me that's why I should come with you. No Randhir I'm not coming. Last time I remember when we went to Bangalore you were always busy in your work and I was stuck up in a hotel room. This is so not going to happen this time." She said crossing her arms across her chest.

"Sanyukta don't act stubborn.. Don't behave as if you won't miss me. I know you will." He smirked. "So stop your drama and pack your things quickly."

"I can manage for a day." She rolled her eyes.
"Uhm.. Sanyukta you know.." He held her hand pulled her in a hug. He know she was angry because he was very busy this week not able to give enough time to her. But what she did not knew was he was doing everything for her only. He was busy finishing all his pending work so that he can give all his weekend to her. "I was planning to spend this weekend with my princess." He kissed her hair.

"Just because you have work there that's why you are taking me or else you don't take me anywhere." She whispered hugging him back. No matter how angry she is, she can't stay away from him.

"I love you. I will not repeat this. Next time when we will go somewhere it will be not because of any business purpose. Promise."
"I love you too." She hugged him tighter resting her head against his chest.

"So now.. May we pack your things? This is going to be a long weekend princess."
"But Randhir we haven't told Mom about this plan. How can we go without telling her?"

"Offo princess... You worry so much... Seems like you don't know your husband yet... I had already talked to Dad and he to had already informed Mom about us spending our weekend there."
"Now I got it why Mom was giving me those smirks when you came." Sanyukta said embarrassingly.

"Ignore them. You just concentrate on your packing." He said. This weekend is going to be very special. He thought. One which none of them will forget.

"So.. At what time is the flight?" Sanyukta asked as she was done packing her luggage for the trip.
"Which flight?" Randhir asked looking up from his phone.

Sanyukta jaws drop listening his reply. Was he joking. They are going to goa. Aren't they? Or this was some sort of his prank. She wish he is joking only or else this heavy luggage will be directly thrown on his head. She hasn't done all this packing to unpack it again.

"Randhir we are going to goa. Aren't we?" She asked closing her mouth.
"Of course we are going." He said keeping his phone in his pocket. "That's why I made you do the packing." He shrugged his shoulders as if stating the obvious.

She relaxed hearing his reply. So her packing will not go waste. It wasn't prank. They are really going to Goa. Yes she was angry in beginning but the idea of spending weekend alone with Randhir made her heart jitter. She can't miss the chance. From past few days they were hardly able to spend some quality time together. Goa will surely be a refreshment from their monotonous routine. And she don't know why but she had some giddy feeling about the trip. Maybe something will happen during this Trip. The feeling was amazing though.

"So stupid husband.. At what time is the flight to Goa?" She again asked. Maybe this time he will answer.
"What do I know.." He again shrugged.

This man was now testing her patience.

"Randhir.." She huffed. "We are going to Goa?" She again asked.
"Sanyukta how many times I have to answer this." He said in irritation.
"Yes or no?" She crossed her arms. Her voice was too showing irritation.

"So I'm asking for the last time when is our flight for goa?" She breathed as she finished her question.

"Oh.. Our flight?" He asked rubbing his neck and giving a sheepish smile.
"Yes, finally you got it. Bingo!" She said sarcastically.

"We are not going through plane." He replied.
"Huh! So how we will go? Walking?" She taunted.

"Not a bad idea.." He smirked. She look cute while being angry. He thought.
"Randhir.. I'm in no mood to joke." She stomped her foot.

"Somebody is grumpy?" He asked pulling her close to him.
"No..  You are just irritating me." She replied biting her lips.

"So I irritate you now." He sighed dramatically. "I thought you loved me till moon and back and like forever." He whispered in her ear and place a soft kiss on the base of her neck.

"I do love you like forever Randhir." She too whispered controlling her moan. "But at times you irritate me too." She sighed.

"We are going by my car." He said. He knew what was irritating her.
"Car!" She said excitedly looking up at him. "That means a long drive?" She asked.

"Yup.." He flicked her nose and chuckled at her excitement. "Walking could have been more romantic.." He again chuckled making Sanyukta frown this time. "But I love my princess a lot so I know she will get tired." He kissed her forehead.

"As if you will not get tired." She rolled her eyes.
"Nope." He shook his head. "I have supernatural stamina you see."

They knew they were arguing on a stupid topic. A walk from Mumbai till Goa is impossible but it was their own stupid moment.

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