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You wit' us now

Mo' (POV)

As soon as we got to the house I quickly took Kali to the bathroom so that she could take a bath with me. She need to get that filth off of her. As we finished washing off I could hear mumbling in the living room, I'm guessing August and Mel. I got out the tub and wrapped a towel around me and Kali as we made our way to the room that I stayed in when I came to Mel's house.

I dried myself off then turned my attention to Kali, and carefully dried her off— trying not to hurt her beaten abused body. I slid on some night clothes, and put Kali's night clothes on that Mel and August brought back from those people's house.

After I finished getting us both dressed and ready for bed I picked Kali up, holding her close to my chest as we walked out of the room towards the living room.

As we rounded the corner I noticed August and Mel sitting on the couch seeming to be in deep conversation, I'm assuming from what happened today. I walked further into the living room and once they seen me walk in with Kali they both fell silent and just stared at the both of us.

I sighed to myself, knowing they had a million and one questions that I was not ready to answer.

I'm trying to move foward into a new me, especially now that I have Kali depending on me. I don't want what happened to her to make her. I don't want her to think of this as a step back ,but a step forward. I want her to look back at this moment and smile and see how strong she is for making it through this. I don't want Kali to wallow in her own pity and hurt from this. She needs to be strong and not allow a bastard like him to get the best of her. I want that little girl to grow up and be beautiful, independent, and strong like the woman I know she can and will be. But most importantly I want her to be happy and me being her big sister it's my job to make sure that happens. I will keep her happy and safe, that's my word to her and myself and I will not break it this time.

So as of now, those questions they have will have to wait— at least until I get to where I need to be in life.

The three of us stared at each other a little longer before my legs began to give out and soreness shot all through my body. I groaned out a little wishing I hadn't pushed my body to it's limits today, because now that the strength I had from earlier is gone this pain is really biting me in the ass.

August quickly hoped up from his seat beside Mel stretching his arm out towards me and Kali.

"Ya' hurtin'? Hea' let me help y-" I quickly cut him off by holding up my hand.

"I'm fine August, no need ta' treat me like I'm handicap."

He stopped all his movements, looking at me a bit unsure for a moment then reclaimed his seat next to Mel on the couch.

I walked over to the couch across from Mel and August and sat down. Kali stood there in between my legs just staring at them. She looked back at me looking a bit frightened, but I smiled and reassured her, letting her know they were the good guys.

I knew she would act this way around them, but I'm going to make it my job to get her back to that loving child that she once was.

"Baybeh girl dont'cha worry, they da' good guys." I said hoping she would feel safe, but—as suspected— she just looked at me with the same frightened look.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant