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How In The Hell

After Discovery
1:22 A.M.

August (POV)

"Aight Aug y'all good. Me and Trav juss' checked da' whole area, ain't nobody follow us."

"Coo coo." I nodded and dapped Jamal up.

"Yea we finna head ta' ma dukes house and make sho' everythang straight."

"Aight, aye man, let me know how mama nem' doin' when ya' get thea'." I said as I dapped up Trav.

"Will do Yungin'."

"Aight, I luh' you niggas."

"We luh' you too baybeh!" Travis yelled obnoxiously as he waved and switched away with his hand on his hip.

I shook my head and ran my hand down my face as I walked back into the hotel room and over to me and Mani's room.

After finding all that cash, I had to break up our loving moment. Even though I knew they probably needed that moment, it wasn't safe. True, we had Trav and Jamal around the premises, but with all that money in one place it just wasn't safe to sit in one place for too long.

I brought the girls back to the hotel with me so that I could keep an eye on them. Mani said it would be best to stay away from the rest of the family, fearing that they would be harmed on their behalf. I hated that they felt they had to distance themselves from our loved ones, but the risk was too high right now. Money is the root of all evil and clearly all that money that they just inherited was drawing unwanted attention to them and has been doing so for years.

As I sit on this bed, I can't help but to wonder how in the hell did their mama manage to hide such a hefty amount of money; I mean we're talking about eighty five point six million dollars. That type of money ends lives, it can be mistaken for happiness when it's not. People think that money gives them power, but no. Money, especially a heap of money, takes control of you. You may think you control the currency of it but really it has control over you.

Truth be told I love money just as much as the next nigga, but I don't let that shit fuck with my head.

I looked at the trunk of money that sat in the corner of our room and sighed, knowing this shit was going to cause a war between us and the enemy.

But that's the thing that has me confused.

How did he know their mama, how did he know about the money?

And how in the hell did a strung out drug addict plan something so far ahead that not even a genius could figure it out.

All in all, something isn't adding up. Something is missing in this whole story, a big chunk that I don't have much time to figure out.

I heard the door open and quickly snapped my head in the direction of the creaking to see Mani standing there with a cheesy grin.

"Why ya' so smiley and what not?"

She sighed as she plopped down next to me,"I don't know, I'm juss'... in a really good mood I guess."

"I bet, so wea' Kali?"

"She's listenin' ta' mama."


"Mhm," she smiled broadly,"Ya' know she neva' really got da' chance ta' grow up around mama, so dat' recordin' already means da' world ta' her."

"And what about you?"

"What'chu mean?" She questioned slipping out of her black sweatpants.

"I mean, how did it make you feel?"

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