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I know y'all wanna hear from Mani and you guys will, but right now I need to get August side across. Also I hope y'all caught them hints last chapter.


Can I Heal You


August (POV)

I sighed as I eased her door shut and made my way into the kitchen.

While I prepared one of Armani's favorite meals, I began to think about the life that I use to live back home.

Most people would say they could never forget people who had such an impact on their life, but truth of the matter is if those peoples lives were at stake - you would. You would cry yourself to sleep every night and wake up to your dried up tears every morning until you couldn't remember why you were crying. You would repress every thought of them every beautiful memory you made with them- all the curves that made up their breath taking faces. It would be hard, maybe even the hardest thing you had to do in life, but you would still do it. If it meant their lives would be spared you would do it.

So that's what I did, I repressed my girls- the thought of them losing their lives because of me was so traumatic that it was enough for me to forget them.

But now that my memories have been brought back to existence, I'm left with the whole reason I forgot them.

The whole reason Mel is gone.

Them niggas back......and they coming for Armani and Kali, because of me coming back into their lives.

A little while after I moved I started receiving threats from an unknown source telling me if I didn't want them to die that I would lose all contact. The threats started saying things such as,'you can't protect them and your miles away, so I advise you to take heed to my words'. I remember telling Trav to keep a close eye on them for me, but once he told me that they had been in a bad car wreck I knew then that this mystery person was serious about hurting them. Ultimately making me do the unthinkable- making me lose all contact with the love of my life and the girl that I considered to be my child.

I told my mama and the rest of the family what was going on, and mama being mama, she snapped on me and told me I was making the worst decision of my life.

How right she was.

In my eyes I was protecting them just as I had promised Mel in his dying days. I was looking out for them, but not once did I look at how they would feel about it.

In my eyes I was removing myself from their life so that they could have a life.

In their eyes I left them. I did exactly what I had promised not to do. I left them more broken and torn than anyone else ever had. Yes, I knew they would hurt, but now that I look at them, they don't just hurt; they're falling. By that I mean their hearts have turned into a shade of gray, into ashes and with one more blow from this world it will wist away in the wind. They hold on to each other so tight because they're afraid if they let go they'll fall in opposite directions and lose each other, just as they've lost everyone else.

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