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My lil confused babies😭😭😭😭!!!! It's ok cause y'all gone find out everything right...

In the next chapter! Kml y'all thought, huh?😂😂😂! Lol enjoy my loves. And don't forget to comment!




Armani (POV)

"Here." He handed me a small piece of paper as he stood, a piece of paper that I almost didn't get to grab because August snatched his hand away with the quickness.

Lips parted, open faintly; ready to speak, yet nothing came through the dry crack but a gasp that was never ending. I still couldn't conjure up an exhale that so badly needed to be released. It felt as if a forbidden magic was being cast upon me, some sort of witchcraft; I was short of breath, and couldn't find the strength to get any.

"You who?" August asked angrily, fuming out the nose. Snarling even.

My life hasn't been the easiest and all I'm asking for is a break. I don't mean to come off ungrateful, but dammit I at least deserve a break. I'm not built for this. Life has always decided that I was the one that could be picked up and dropped without breaking, but that's the very thing that I feel myself doing. Breaking. My mind falling, my head spinning constantly in a never ending three sixty, my memories trying to recollect memories of this man before me... but ultimately getting nothing. His words hit a vessel within me, a vessel of truth- the one that I like to believe will never lead me wrong.

"I said I'm-I'm her, I'm your father." He stated more to me trying to step between the two men.

By now the two men were infront of me shielding me. But he was the least of the problem anymore, they need to be shielding me from myself. I was about-about to lose it.

"Nah' bruh you good right there." Chris mugged him stepping closer to August, and ridding the space between their shoulders.

"Yeah, it's best you stay wea' you at, matta' fact gone gimme my ten feet."

"But I-,"

"Mane but nothin'!" August yelled, " Who da' fuck you work fa', huh?!"

"No one, I just-,"

"Shut da' fuck up! I'm tie'd of muthafuckas always fuckin' up shit when shit juss' got settled! Always wanna fuck wit' me and my lady! Leave ha' da' fuck alone!" He snarled. "Whoeva' da' fuck you are stay away from ha' and tell whoeva' you work fa' ta' see me."

"Please just-,"

"Take one mo' step and I promise you won't make it home, "August gritted. "Bitch ass on!"


"Don't fucking speak to her!" Chris glared finally speaking up.

"Chris, baby calm down."

"Nawl, fuck this mane! Tired of this shit, gone 'bout your business sir. Like he said tell yo' boss to see us. C'mon'," He grabbed Jazmine's hand while August grabbed mine. "And next time we see you, it's ova' wit' kid."

His eyes, his weary eyes, were the last things in my sight before I was whisked away. His truthful eyes.

That was about an hour ago, and I was still in a state of shock.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now