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The End? The Beginning

April 4, 2016
9:30 A.M

Quantre (POV)

This feeling it was new, it was refreshing- yet fearful at the same time. I would lay down a million times if that's what I had to do to keep her here on this earth. My body stirred with vehement desire, but only a desire to save and hold her. Dying in the process was only a small concern that lingered in an even smaller piece of my mind. I found someone, a beautiful spirit, to fill the void that had been growing inside of me for so long. She didn't know it, but she has already started to grow on me. In this life I've lost more than I've gained, and when I look at her it seems as if my losses were just subtle in comparison with her.

Fourteen years old seems young to feel as structured and content as I feel about this, but I hardly get these emotions myself. It's hard for me to explain them without sounding like a fool. All I know is I have to do whatever I can to help out Yungin' and his team. I'm turning my back against everything that I've known, but I have come to a realization- and it took me almost helping King ruin another family to realize it.

I have to help these people. I haven't known them long, but I have to help anyway I can. This has to end.

So why not risk my life....

I don't have much to live for anyway.

"Aight so wea' we headin' first Youngsta'?" August asked.

These past couple of days me and him have been becoming closer and closer. I'm grateful that he's accepted me the way he had. Anyone else in his position would have killed me on sight.

"Um we can start from top to bottom since we already here, then we can swing back this way and get Kali and Mrs. Alsina."

"Aight, let's get it." He nudged my arm. And with that were started our search.

I smiled up at his side profile seeing a person I could look up to as a role model in my time left here on this earth. A man I could release my inner demons onto and not be judged for them because he understood how it felt to lose someone close to his heart. He understood the breakdowns that would hit you out of nowhere.

When my mama died I was left in this world on my own surrounded by cold bodies that I didn't recognize as my family. They were ruthless savages that cared only for themselves. Sad part is, I was apart of that.

I just found out a month ago about the gruesome way my mama lost her life. No one told me though, I seen the pictures.

Th-The pictures of them bitches hurting her, taking advantage of her. The look she had. Her eyes. Even in the form of a picture they still screamed out for help, they screamed confusion laced with fear and hope. Hope that someone would come and save her. It eats away at me everyday to know that in my moms last moments she had to endure the worst pain possibly. The screams that filled her lungs as she realized her fate, the way this would all end for her. She was such a beautiful woman and died such a terrible ungodly death. I can't even find comfort in thinking she died peacefully because the images I seen of her-her tear stained beaten down face. I can only imagine the horror she had to face looking into King's murderous eyes. All the suffering she went through, and she didn't even know why it was happening. Her having to fight for her life and standing no chance against him.

I'm not saying I wanted my mama to die, but him brutally raping her and torturing her was only pouring salt in the wound bruh. I would rather him have just taken her life quick and easy because the shit he did to my queen...I wouldn't wish some shit like that on my worst fucking enemy.

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