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I'll Fight Til I Can't

The Following Morning
March 30, 2016

August (POV)

"How ya' feelin' munch?" I asked walking into her room.

"I feel great!" She yelled ecstatically showing me her muscles.

"Dat's what I'm talkin' bout, dat's dat' Alsina blood!"

"I hope it don't make meh' skinny like you." She said with a concerned yet amused face.

"Too far Kali, juss' too far fam."

I heard her loud laughter filling up my ears and drifting into my heart. It felt good to hear my baby girl laughing after such an ordeal.

"I'm juss' kiddin' Auggie pooh."

"Hurt my feelins man."

"I'm sorry Auggie."

"Y'all gotta unda'stand I'm skinny swole."

"Mo' like skinny po'." She mumbled.

"Kali!" I gasped placing my hand over my heart,"I thought we was betta' than dat' bug."

She didn't even respond to me she was laughing so hard.

I couldn't do anything but shake my head as I chuckled at her.

I looked around the room and came to a halt noticing some x-rays that rested at the table at the end of her bed. At first glance it looked like an ultrasound of some sort, but I knew for a fact what I was looking at wasn't a child in the womb it was in fact a....

"Dat's my heart." She climbed to the end of the bed with me,"See, da' ones labeled RA, LA, RV, and LV are supposed ta' be divided."

"But see dis'," she said pointing to the star in the center of her heart,"Dat' right thea' is da' reason I'm gone die."

Hearing those words leave her mouth left me at an all time low. I've never heard her speak this way and with so much certainty in her voice; as if she knew that that would be her fate. If my heart had anymore strings holding it together, they had just been cut.

If anyone didn't deserve this, she didn't. She'd already been through enough pain and sacrifice in her life, but to have to sacrifice her own life. That was too much for any of us too handle. I would never question God and his decisions that he's made, but after hearing her say that I couldn't help but to look at everything that has taken place.

Why the hell couldn't they ever catch a break? Why couldn't they be happy without any attachments, or interruptions? Is this truly a blessing in disguise?

The more I looked at the damn picture the more I grew infuriated: why the hell would they leave this in her room.

I've been through plenty, more than you could imagine, but losing another loved one, I couldn't add that to my list of heartbreak.

"Kali dont'chu eva' say dat'!"


"I don't eva' wanna hea' dat' shit leavin' yo' mouth again you hea' me?! You not goin' no fuckin' wea', do you hea' me?!"

"Y-Yes." She croaked.

Looking over at her I seen the fear in her eyes as the tears fell down he gorgeous plump little face. I wasn't trying to scare her, but I had to let her know- I had to reassure her that her life will not be taken because of this. She had an awesome God and I'm hoping that he won't take my love.

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