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The pictures of Armani and August are edits guys, so let the kid know if they're good! Enjoy!



Three Months Later
6 Months Pregnant
August 29, 2016
10:30 P.M.

Armani (POV)

"He does too damn much!"

"Armani calm down,"Terrance coached,"He just a man, we cant read your minds."

"You dont have ta' be able ta' read my mind ta' have common sense! If you gone have a baybeh shower today at least let da' woman carryin' da' damn baybeh know ahead of time so I can be prepared!"

"Stop stressing sweetheart, you have the whole day to plan and get ready,"He already has the venue getting set up, so just relax."

"I know pops, I juss', I hate not being prepared, dat's all." I sighed looking up at a smiling Terrance,"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing, nothing,"He shrugged,"You just called me pops again that's all."

"Because you my pops, and I feel comfortable enough ta' call you dat', if it's alright wit' you."

"Of course it's alright with me,"He pulled me into his embrace,"You're my little girl."

I giggled at him and his sentimental ways.

"Well c'mon," I pulled away, "He sent you ta' come get me right? So I guess we 'bout ta' get ready some'wea."

"Yeah, he told me to take you to Jazmine house so you girls can do y'all girly shit." He fanned.

At first Terrance use to try and hold off on his actual self around me, but now his potty mouth and laid back behavior are one of the main reasons we click. I guess I get that from him as well.

"Wea' Lilly?" I asked seeing that she was not with dad, those two were always together.

"I already dropped her off at Chris's place." He said as we made our way to the door.

I was still a tad bit pissed at August for not telling me about the baby shower, I was even more livid when he acted like his phone was some type of foreign object that he couldn't answer. I'd already called him seven times and received no answer.

I sighed as I made my way out of our home, he better be getting ready for an ass beating whenever he sees me.

"I guess I'm ready." I mumbled.

"Alright let's go my love."

The drive over to Chris's place wasn't all that long since he lived in the same neighborhood, just all the way on the other side. After ten minutes we were there and I was even more pissed when I noticed that I still had no text, voicemail, not nothing from Aug. If you're busy that's fine, but at least let me know you're okay. Communication is key.

"Bye dad." I kissed his cheek while getting out of the car.

"Bye baby! And cheer up," He yelled, "Today is a day of celebration."

"Yeah, yeah what'eva old man." I laughed as he pulled off.

Walking up the few steps to get to the front door, I let out a breath of relief once I got to the top, I am too lazy and too pregnant to be going up any type of stairs. Once I'd gained back my breath that I had lost I opened the door to be met with all my girls sitting around on the couch gossiping, but when they seen me they instantly stopped. Plopping down next to Kali, I took my shoes off and got comfortable- even going as far as untying the strap that held my sweatpants up.

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