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August in mm

I'll Find Ya' Dream Girl

January 5, 2016
Same Day

August (POV)

"Wea' da' hell am I?"I said more to myself seeing that I was all alone, in this dark pit of despair yet again.

I heard a faint voice in the distance but no doubt I knew exactly who it was.

"Mel, bro is dat' you?!"

"Ya' failed meh' August, ya' promised meh' ya' would care fa'em, protect em' from harm."

"W-What ya' tum'bout big bruh?" I asked feeling the tears well up in my eyes once I turned around and was face to face with my idol.

"Da' girls man, ya' promised meh', I put my faith in ya'."

"Mel I got da' girls, dey' well taken care of, I promise."

"Is dat' right," He pestered stroking his chin,"I thank ya' need ta' do a recount Yung' cause right nah', I'm real disappointed in ya' lil bruh."

I felt my heart drop when he said that. Here I am thinking I'm doing everything in my power to make him proud, but instead I haven't done enough. I haven't fulfilled my brothers expectations of me, I failed him.

He turned his back towards me as he walked in the other direction beginning to fade away and instantly I began to run after him yelling for him to stay here with me, but the more I ran the further he got away. I didn't care I kept running, I refused to let my brother get away from me again, not this time.

He turned back towards me and said one last thing before I was left in the darkness alone as I always was.. For the thousandth time.

"Find ha' August."

"Who da' hell do ya' want meh' ta' find, ya' always tell meh' ta' find ha'. WHO!" I yelled into the darkness out of frustration.

As I walked around the dark area I felt my bones begin to give out. It continued to get colder and colder and colder. It got to the point that my lungs were inhaling nothing but coldness and exhaling my now visible breath.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now