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Don't skip anything in this chapter... everything is important. K? K. Enjoy loves! And please comment!😭😭😭

And You Are?

At The Mall

Armani (POV)

You tempting me in that dress ma.🍑
5:20 p.m.

I'm bored Armani!
5:20 p.m.

You got games on yo' phone?
5:20 p.m.

Ride me like a porn star, yeah? Lol get it?
5:21 p.m.

Meet me in the dressing room, I gotta show you some big.🍆
5:21 p.m.

I can see yo' private part? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.😂😂😂
5:21 p.m.

5:26 p.m.

Putting my phone in my purse I tried my hardest to contain my cackle that was waiting at the entrance of my lips. He always does this when he's tired of a situation- this situation being the whole mall scene. Him and Chris were so eager to come, but the second we got here they're ready to leave. They could have easily linked up together and let us be.

"Let's go to Victory's Secrets, they're having like, the best sale ever."

"Ouuu yes I need some nice little garments and thangs." I said doing a little happy dance and laughing afterwards.

"Need ta' get some fa' ta'night." I heard August mumble, but ignored him.

"So how's everything, you been feeling okay?" Jaz asked scanning through a selection of lingerie on one of the many racks.

"It's been amazing!" I beamed, "I mean, it still feels like a dream, but I'm adjustin' pretty good."

"I can't wait for the little munchkin to come."

"Me eitha', I'm juss' so excited, the appointments in two weeks and every time I think about it I get butterflies."

"You scared?"

"Shitless." I admitted,"What if I'm not ready."

I mean who wouldn't be; that's every mothers worst fear — not being good enough for their child, not being ready to take on the responsibility of another life being dependent on her. To be a mother is not just being the one to carry a child and birth it, no, it's more than that. To be a mother is to be the one to nurture a child, to love it unconditionally with every strand of love in your being- to stay up late nights when your little one has nightmares, to check under the bed every night before bedtime so that the 'monsters' wont get your baby. It's when you have to make sacrifices and hard decisions, not for your well being, but for your child's sake.

You have to constantly worry about if you're doing everything right by your kid, and if you're being a good mother. That child that you carried for nine months will forever look up to you, and you have to set all types of examples and be that ideal role model for him or her... and I just hope that I can be that.

I only want to be my child's everything when it looks up to me.

"Sis," Jaz said in a bored tone, "Are you kidding me? Girl you're the strongest person I know, you took on the world and won!" She semi yelled.

"I know Jaz but what if-,"

"What if nothing, you are going to be a great mother love," She sighed turning to the boys, "And an even better wife whenever this knuckle head stops being a scary ass loser."

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