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Your two favorite girls in the mm,Kali's face when she gets the bear

Hea' we come Ma Dukes

Later that morning

Mel (POV)

I decided to take the girls out on a little shopping spree before they meet my moms, since they had little to no clothes. I'm guessing it's been a while since they've been pampered or even seen a mall, so I just thought it'd be nice to treat them to a day out.

I wanted them to have a fresh new start in their lives now that they were out of hell itself. Which meant new home, new clothes, new shoes, and new them.

"Aye Aug go tell da' girls ta' get ready, I gotta surprise fa'em."

"Aight, but I'm comin' too."

"Nigga go tell'em what I said." I yelled.

I heard him mumble something to himself, then stomp his way down the hall to the room they resided in.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I was still taken back a little at the fact Mo' was handing out ass whippings like presents on Christmas Day. I truly shouldn't be surprised though, simply because she always did tell me her sister was her everything. The strength and the courage that little girl showed yesterday was something I've never seen before—yet somehow— I always knew she had it in her.

Every time she would show up on my doorstep beaten down and exhausted it always amazed me that she was actually still able to stand, let alone walk all this way. It was something special about her, a certain energy buried deep down inside her, a light she had about her that she couldn't even see.

She would always tell me stories about how Kali was her light in a dark situation, when in reality she was her on light and warmth in the cold darkness.... she just didn't know it. She didn't see the strong independent young lady that saved herself and her sister, she saw a broken worn down little girl that barely found an escape from the hell she was living. But there was more to her than that. She was unique — and in the long run I know that she will be something great. I just hope I'm here to see it.

I heard August and Mo' bickering down the hall causing me to chuckle. Those two ain't stopped butting heads since they met, but what they really need to do is stop playing and admit they feeling each other.

I saw that little hug they did last night and I was surprised to see August even hug a female like that, he doesn't even hug ole girl like that. I see the way he looks at Mo', even when she first came and he was trying to be all hard— I saw the way he stared at her.

I don't have anything against the lil female August says he's with now, but if our moms don't like her...I don't like her. Our mama's intuition has never been wrong. So if she feel his 'girl' is a heifer, I do too.

To be honest I've never seen my brother go out his way for no girl. You have to build up that respect with him so that he will get to a point of treating you like a queen. But he hasn't even known Mani for a full two days and she's already getting the royal treatment— especially the way he talks to her, he's always so caring and gentle with her. I know that ultimately those two will get together... just gotta give it a lil time.

I heard small foot steps coming down the hall and I knew it was my Kali bug. Me and that lil bundle of joy really hit it off. From the moment she damn near ripped my chin off we been inseparable.

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