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The Diamond That You Are

Two Days Later
May 5, 2016
1:30 P.M.

Kaliana (POV)

I told him good things- the things that my mother told me. I knew who he was, with one glance it was clear. So I told him what my mother told me.... I have his eyes.

At first I thought that she'd referred to David when she told me those words, but after seeing my eyes in his, I knew then that-that was my real father. I didn't see the documents that August had, nor did I hear them, but I did put two and two together.

How do I feel about that two and two?

Honestly not good, not good at all. We were left behind all over again. Our lives that could have been seems to be the only thing that has been flashing through my mind these past couple days. I was trying to be strong for my sister, but I slowly feel myself breaking down just like her. I feel that all this pursuing happiness is pointless- there's no real reason to keep fighting this hard when it's clear that this puddle of dirt is where I'll always end up. Dirt. Where me and my sister always have to lay our heads. We grab at our happiness, and right when we think we've made it, when we think we have arrived to the place we've been seeking, we're knocked down to the place we started.

I'm just, I'm just tired of fighting and getting no where.

Tired of giving life my all.

Tired of not being able to be stable and content.

Tired of the 'Good Things' in my mind not being enough.

I just want things to be happy, for once I wa-


"Yeah Pooh!" I yelled from my room.

"Youngsta' on da' phone!"

"Ok! Hea' I come!"

After I checked my appearance in the mirror that was in the bathroom next to my room, I jetted downstairs and into the kitchen, but when I got there, August wasn't there. But I knew this is where his voice echoed from.

"Pooh wea' you at?!" I called walking throughout the house receiving no response.

"Pooh?!" I yelled making my way to the staircase to get to the first half of the basement, which was the basketball court, once I seen he wasn't there I went back up to the stairs and walked the little ways to the second set of steps. I then went down the other set that led to the theater room.

"Auggie Pooh?! You in hea'?!" I yelled on the second to last step.

I'm black I refuse to go into dark places.

"Pooh-Ahhh!,"I screamed as I was wrapped up in someone's arms and lifted into the air,"Get off me! Get'cho' nasty hands off me!" I quickly looked up but seen nothing but darkness

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"Pooh-Ahhh!,"I screamed as I was wrapped up in someone's arms and lifted into the air,"Get off me! Get'cho' nasty hands off me!" I quickly looked up but seen nothing but darkness.

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