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I Came Home

September 1, 2010
2:14 a.m.

Armani (POV)

I opened my eyes, but quickly shut them back once the light came shining in my face, basically blinding me.

Instantly I began to panic, because I could have sworn my heart led me back home— where I needed to be. Where I was needed the most.

I reopened my eyes and rapidly began to blink, hoping my eyes would adjust to my surroundings.

I started to make out, what looked like a breathing tube and an IV. I then looked at my arm and hand and seen they were all bandaged up in a boatload of gauze.

I looked to my left and instantly all the worry and hurt I had left my body; seeing them put me at ease. They were still in the same positions from when I saw them in.....that place.

Right then I remembered what just transpired before I came back.

'Be good out thea' he told me. And be good I shall my love. I'll do it for you.

I looked around the room a little just taking everything in, before I tried to sit up in the bed.

"Mmmmmm!" I groaned, I tried to yell but the tube in my mouth ceased that from happening.

I fell back into the bed trying to call out for help, but the pain that kept throbbing all throughout my body was unbearable. So unbearable that I couldn't muster up the strength to even use my vocal cords at the moment.

Seeing that August still had a firm grip on my hand I tried squeezing it as tight as I could, with all the strength I barely had left. I was squeezing for dear life praying that he would feel my grasp tightening by the second around his hand. I tried moving my shoulder so that maybe my Kali would wake up since she was a light sleeper.

I made one last fatal attempt to nudged my shoulder against her temple and when I did her head flew up like a jack rabbit.


Just as she screamed my name August hopped up from his seat out of shock before piercing his eyes right to my soul while his face held no expression.

I tried to say something to them but nothing came out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him how I came back for them, how I refused to leave them when they needed me the most.

I looked at Kali's tear filled face and all the sadness waddled around her essence. I wanted to beat my own ass for even thinking about crossing over to the other side and leaving her here alone. Just looking at her had tears coming down my face. My Kali would have been so lost without me, she already had bags forming under her eyes.

I switched my attention back towards August and he was pushing the button by the side of my bed, signaling the nurses to come in.

He sent a single glance my way before sitting down and blankly staring at my bed sheets.

As if on cue a doctor and nurses came rushing into my room and began to check my vitals.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Williams." The woman said shaking August's hand then turned to me.

"Miss Anderson you had us all scared for a minute, we thought you weren't going to make it." She said standing next to me.

"Can you breath on your own?"

I nodded my head and the nurses came rushing over to get the tube out of my mouth and help me sit up in the bed.


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