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I'm Done Wit'cha

2 months later

August (POV)

"My sista' comin' home, my sista' comin' home, my sista' comin' home!" Kali sang.

She has been prancing around the house all morning keeping me and mama in the highest of spirits, just from her happiness oozing off of her.

She's been making us dance with her and sing along with her all because Mani is finally being released from that dreadful hospital. I can't lie and say I haven't been missing my baby mama all day everyday, especially since she practically had to go back right after Mel's funeral.

This was the day she came home to us for good. What made it even better was the fact she was completely oblivious to the events that were taking place today.

I thought it would be a good idea to have a little welcome home party for her since she's been a little under the weather about Mel. Me and mama planned everything out a few days ago, so now all we needed to do was get the food and for me to go get her from the hospital.

"Auggie pooh! Yo' baybeh mama comin' home!" She yelled.

"What'cha say Kali?"

"Mel always said det' Mani was ya' baybeh mama and ya' future wife."

"Get on some'wea wit' dat' man." I said playfully mushing her head.

She composed herself and smacked the back of my head."Ya' know its true you and my sista' juss' alike."


"Yes sir y'all are."

"How we alike, huh?" I tested her.

She looked up at me with seriousness written within her eyes and a smile that I couldn't figure out.

"Y'all both hurt and closed off, ya' try not ta' let ya' hurt show, ya' thank it make ya' weak. Y'all try ta' be so strong. Y'all try ta' hide all ya' pain, ya' even try ta' hide it from ya'selves."

She took my face in her hands as her face dropped.

"But I hear you." She whispered not once breaking eye contact with me.


"I hear when ya' cry at night, I hear when ya' ask fa' Mel back. I. Hear. You."

"I hea' when my sista' beg fa' da' hurt ta' go away, I hear when she cry fa' me ta' not feel like ha' when I grow up. Auggie I hear y'all. When y'all don't say nothin' I still hear y'all."

I was in a lost for words. I forgot that kids pick up on everything, but in Kali's case she picks up on even the smallest of things. Just like her sister, she sits back and watch before taking action. She watches, she sees, she'll observe, and then she'll give her intake on whatever it is that she's seen. Thats just how they are.

The crazy part is I never knew I was that obvious. I honestly always thought I was up alone when I went to the backyard to cry and release my demons to the sky. I always thought only God and Mel were listening to my cries.

I never even knew Mani cried like I did, since me and Kali visited her everyday she's always been so happy and smiling from ear to ear. Sure, she would shed a few tears from time to time, but I've done the same. I guess she's still one of the best at masking her true feelings from the world.

Kali must have picked up on my silence because she continued to speak her words of wisdom to me, or at least what she's gathered from watching for so long.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat