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I Win! I Win!

1 week later
April 21, 2016

Armani (POV)

My poor baby was so slow. Poor thing.

At the moment we were playing charades. It was team against team, me and him against Quan and Kali. We started out with seven teams but they just didn't make the cut since they could hardly guess what the other one was talking about.

Except for Twan and Ashley, they got disqualified for throwing up gang signs throughout the entire game....and pronouncing the name of our snacks wrong- letting us know that they were eating on bhocholate bhip bookies and milk.

"Two faced!"He yelled,"No! No- A mime! A Pickle!"

"He should be a damn shame of himself, if my slow ass can get it I know he can." Travis groaned.

"Mama tell Travis ta' shut up, he disqualified anyway." August whined.

"Midnight, hush up fa' mama befo' yo' brotha' start cryin'."

August whipped his head in her direction and started to slowly shake his head with a disappointed look on his face,"Mama you down bad fa' dat', how you gone do a Yungin' like dat'?"

"A Yungin' need ta' stop bein' slow and guess what my baybeh talkin' about."

"Well my baybeh need ta' be more discrete."

"Well while y'all argue about her being a mime when she's actually driving,"Quan stated looking directly at August,"I'm going to go ahead and take Kali to get her medicine."

"Is it time?" Kali asked looking up at him.

"Mhm, it's actually pass the time, about two minutes pass."

"Oh," She scrunched her face in surprise and confusion, "well I guess you're right."

"Yeah, you usually start complaining about hurting around this time anyway." He spoke standing to his feet and gently pulling her up as well.

I smiled at the fact that he remembered such things as that. He reminded me so much of August with the things he did. He was a troubled kid that didn't have anyone in this world that understood his emotions, or his heart. He reeked havoc on the earth, because that was all he was taught to do, all he felt to do. He was taught to strive for power and kill until he got to the top, which only worsened his mind set. That was his life, until he found someone who was a mirror image for him. Until he came across a being that could guide him to strive for the right thing. Until he found my Kali.


He and Kali looked back at me at the same time waiting to hear my reason for calling them.

"Thank you for helpin' us all out aroun' hea', especially my Kali.....it means alot."

He smiled, and I seen his cheeks heating up as he held on to Kali, "It's no problem, y'all my people. Believe it or not y'all actually helping me learn the right ways to life, so thank you Mrs. Mani."

"You are very welcome."

He nodded and continued to walk Kali to her room so that she could take her medicine. I was more than thankful that Quan had put in so much of his time and effort to help her- he even learned how to give her - her medicine and how to deal with certain symptoms she may have as she goes through her healing process.

"Well," Mama sighed, "Dat's da' end of round two, we takin' a break befo' round three because y'all workin' on my last nerves."

"We luh' you ma!"

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