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It Wasn't Always This Way

Armani (POV)

"Armani." He said sternly while focusing in on me, but the only thing I could pay attention to was the wooden floors.

"You know how much I love you, right?"

I remained quiet, not wanting to remember all the pain I just endured. I knew if I acknowledged his presence it would only remind me of what just happened to me; what he did to me.

"I know yo' ass hear me, maybe you need a lil more."

I quickly rose my head in his direction but instead of zooming in on his eyes I let my eyes fall to his lips. The same lips that were just biting and sucking on my neck. I couldn't look him in his eyes, I didn't want to be faced with-with that look.

He let out a sinister chuckle and then looked back at me,"That's what the fuck I thought, now come here!" He barked at me.

I slowly rose off the bed, but failed miserably falling to the ground. Blood ran down my thighs like a river flowing to an unknown destination. I stayed in that fetal position zoning out of reality and zoning into my mind.

I thought back to when I was four years old and how bright my smile use to gleam, how my heart use to spew out nothing but warmth and happiness...innocence. The same innocence I would never be able to get back. I thought about the future and if this would affect all the plans I had set for myselfall the goals I wanted to accomplish.

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