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Last chapter bummed me out and this one is doing the same😢😢😢

I Wanna Be Thea'

August 31, 2010
7:16 p.m.

August ( POV)

"I luh' you." I heard someone whisper from the very darkest depths of my mind. From a place that I rarely ever dwell in. The familiar voice echoed into a faint call from the beyond the way; and for some odd reason, that call didn't sit well with me. It left me uneasy and had an eerie vibe lingering over my chest.

I jumped up from the bed sweating bullets all over my body.

I wiped the wetness off of my forehead and begun to search for my phone I couldn't help but notice the pain that was intensifying in my chest as my heart pounded.

I was going to try and sleep the day away since Crystal blew me off for our little date, but for some reason I couldn't shake this feeling I was having. It's been like this for the past couple of hours now, I just can't sleep.

I felt that something was wrong— I knew something, somewhere was wrong.

It's like when you know something has happened but you don't know what. You know its something terrible, but to what extent, what fate has one of my loved ones suffered. Its has to be someone close to me or otherwise I wouldn't be having this feeling, the only question I have now, is who.

Retrieving my phone from in between the couch cushions I seen I had thirty missed calls all from different family members and the people I work with.

I unlocked my phone and called the first missed call that I seen, which happened to be my cousin.


"Yea, wazza-,"

"Aug get down ta' da' hospital man!"

I pulled away from the phone looking at it crazy before putting it back to my ear.

"Cuz what-,"

"Aug c'mon man I'll explain ery'thang ta' ya', juss' please get hea'!"

Being that my cousin was always goofy and cracking jokes, I knew this had to be serious. I knew from the cracking of his voice that he had been crying and probably about to cry some more.

"No! Not ma' baybeh!" I heard someone yell in the background.

"Cuz was dat' my mama?"

"Aug please, please get ta' dis' fuckin' hospital!"

"O-Ok man."

Seeing that my mama's car was still parked outside I began to frantically look around the house for the keys.

I bust her door down and started looking through her draws and on top of the dresser. I glanced at her nightstand and seen them sitting there.

I grabbed them and ran like my life depended on it out the front door.

I unlocked the door and hopped in, not caring about buckling my seatbelt.

I hurriedly made my way down the street and in the direction to the hospital.

"C'mon bitch, damn! Get da' fuck out my fuckin' way!" I spat at some broad texting away on her phone, while the light was green.

She finally put her phone down and proceeded to make her turn. I kept straight, since this would be the fastest way to my destination.

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