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Mama Sheila in the mm

Wazzam, Ma Dukes

August (POV)

It seemed like forever until we finally pulled up to the house. Mel hopped out the car and grabbed Kali walking right into the house, since mama rarely locked the door.

I hopped out the car as well, making my way to the front door, but stopping once I seen that Mani wasn't right behind me.

I could've sworn I woke her up

When I looked back she hadn't even moved from her position inside the car. She was still sitting there with her body slumped against the door of the truck. I jogged back over towards the car and opened my side back up leaning over into the truck, preparing to punch her then run so she could chase after me like usual.

However, soon as the door swung open, I seen her leaned up against her door frame. She quickly looked up at me with scared frantic eyes— eyes that were almost on the verge of tears. I put down my fist and reached out my hand gesturing her to come here.

"Aug! I-I can't- Ahhhh!" She screamed as she tried to lean over towards me, but quickly yielded her attempt.

I closed the door and rushed over to her side. I swung the door open letting her body fall limp into my unsuspecting arms.

"Ma c'mon, talk ta' meh'. What's wrong wit'cha."

She looked at me and let the tears escape from her eyes, she tried to raise her hand to wipe them and lean over towards me again, but winced in pain quickly putting her arm back down. I sat her back inside the truck and stood in between her legs so that I could wipe her tears away. I wrapped my free arm around her waist so she wouldn't fall flat on her back; being that she couldn't control her body.

"Baybeh I can't help ya' if I don't know what's wrong, talk ta' meh'!"

"Aug I can't move! ery'thang hurtin', I-I need help!" She screamed as tears continued to flow down her now red cheeks.

Without a second thought I scooped her up bridal style and walked her to the front door, she whined a little as we walked but I had to make sure she got the care she needed.

I opened up the door and hurriedly walked her into the kitchen since that's where all the muffled voices were coming from. I stopped at the door frame trying to catch my breath as my moms and Mel ceased their conversation and looked at us.

"Aye mane we need ta' head ta' the hospital she can't move, she in pain and she and....and she gotta get help!"

"What'chu mean she can't move, bessfran' whats goin' on'?" Mel asked concerned, but right now we didn't have time for no damn questions.

She tried one last time to raise up to speak but cried out in pain as she fell back in my arms.

"Mane look we need ta' go now and ask questions later, we ain't got time fa' chitchat dis' girl need help, let's go!" I yelled.

They stood there with wide eyes while Mo's pain began to grow more and more  by the second. I bucked my eyes at them looking at the two adults like they were crazy. I watched as Mel ran out the kitchen and up the stairs, my mother then grabbed the keys off the counter to Mel's truck since we blocked her car in. She ran out the house and I was hot on her tail running to the back door with Mo' still in my arms.

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