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Neva' Give Up, Eva'

2 Months Later

Armani (POV)

"I'm so ready to see lil mama win this shit!" Chris exclaimed bouncing up and down on the bleachers next to me.

"Hell yeah, Kali gone kill the scene. Have y'all seen my nigga run?" Jazmine agreed causing me to laugh a little at their enthusiasm.

"Aug, what it do bro? You about to be in for a show this girl is the next big track star!"

I looked up from my book and scoffed at him approaching us in the stands and continued to read my book. Eventually I tuned the two of them out and kept my focus on my book.

Really wish Chris would stop inviting him to shit...

We all were currently at Kali's school awaiting her very first track competition to start.

After our little break down session at Chris's house she vowed to me that she would do better, not just for me, but for herself. I suspect she finally realized how much of a toll her 'fuck the world' attitude was having on everyone around her. She promised that her outburts at school would cease, and so would her standoffish behavior towards me. In other words— my little sister would be coming back to me. Finally.

These past few months things have been pretty good for us, her grades were never a problem, it was always her attitude. But now that that's been put in check her teachers have been applauding me for her transformation. When I tell them that her new and improved demeanor was all her they gasp or tell me that I'm lying, but I assure them that I'm not.

One thing about Kali is she's very persistent. Once she's set on doing something, you better believe it's going to get done.

Growing up around me and our new found family, she learned to never give up on anything, honestly she wasn't allowed to. If it was something she thought she couldn't do we pushed her to do it until the job was done. 'Self made niggas don't neva' give up, eva', and dat's all I got on ma' team'- I could hear Mel telling us that now. Every single time I was ready to throw in the towel on life he would speak those words to me. True enough they were just words, but they gave me all the strength I needed to keep going.

Not just that but it was the person behind those words that made me want to keep pushing forward. Mel was the strongest person I have ever known so everything he said to me— I took that shit to heart and lived by it.

"Wazzam Jazmine." I heard him greet a bubbly Jazmine.

"Hey August, how are you?"

"I'm livin',"He chuckled a little before letting his gaze fall on me,"H-Hey Mani." He spoke quietly.

"August." I spoke never looking up at him

He took a seat next to me and did what he usually does when we're around one another...stare.

It's been like this these past months, as promised, he hasn't given up trying to get back in my good graces. Yet. Every event or get together we had he was there— if he was invited or not he was there. Showing up at everything and anything to be supportive.

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