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Little More- Final Part

April 5, 2016
6:20 P.M.

Kaliana (POV)

"Kali don't-,"

"I'm staying here."

"You ca-,"

"Juss' hea' me out!" I cried holding on to each of her arms, hoping she would hear my pleads.

"I don't-I don't wanna stay hea' fa'eva, I juss'....I juss' wanna stay hea' juss' a little longa' wit' my mama." I admitted.

Staying here was never in my intentions. I didn't want to live here, I just wanted to be with the woman I couldn't remember. To see the face I use to try and piece together when I was younger. All I wanted was to see the glow, feel the aura of the queen that carried me. I know that my family needs me. I know that.

But I need this.....

These moments that I've shared with my mother have been bringing me the clarification that I've been seeking for all these year. Its brought me peace, something that I've never really had when it came to her. I finally have this amazing once in a life time chance to love the real version of my mama, not the strung out drained side of her that I can hardly remember. I have needed her for so long and for once, for once, I want to be selfish. I want to hoard my mother's attention. For once I want to worry about me and my own soul healing instead of everyone else's. I want to be able to say 'My mother was an amazing woman, and I know that for a fact!'

I just want some time with my mama.

"All these years mama, all these years of me yearnin' fa' you, all these years of me tryna' touch da' sky hopin' dat' if I reached out hard enough dat' I would feel you. Prayin' dat' one day I would get close enough ta' hea' you." I spoke looking into her glossy eyes.

I had to let her know what has been on my chest all this time. No one knew how hard it was, but now it's time to get the closure that we both need.

"Everytime a shooting star flew by, I wished fa' you. When a eyelash came out, I blew on it and wished ta' see you. You say me and Mani neva' left yo' mind, well mama you neva' left mine. I think-I think about you all the time." I chuckled softly as my tears became identical to hers.

"A-All I eva' wanted was ta' know you, das' all I wanted. Ta' be able ta' call you mama and feel some type of emotion afta' I said it- instead of some empty void. I wanted ta' feel somethin', even if it wasn't a good somethin'."

I sighed as I continued to pierce holes into her sparkling eyes of gorgeousness.

"All I wanted was you." I whispered.

She stared at me a minute longer, just bouncing her eyes all over my face, admiring me, just as I was admiring her. She was a work of art and truly speaking, I wish the world could have seen more of her glory.

"I died with so many regrets Kali, so many," She sniffled, "But leaving behind my most precious possessions was the biggest regret that I still battle with....even while I'm here."

"My children should have been the beings that I protected until I was naturally brought home, but I didn't do that for you two I, this- Kaliana I gave you life, but I didn't stay to help you through it- I didn't stay to help Armani through it, I abandoned my loves."

"I always thought dat' you didn't-you didn't love me. I always thought dat'-,"

"I loved nothing more than you girls, nothing. Words can not even explain how deeply you all were implanted into my heart my sweet Kaliana. Kali," She grabbed my hands, gripping them for dear life, "You and your sister were my world, my everything — my existence, you are pieces of me that each held a side of my heart. I need you to understand that through it all y'all were, and still, are my life. My. Entire. Soul."

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