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Went Left So Fast

August 28, 2010
7:34 p.m.

Armani (POV)

I opened my eyes and tried to raise up from the bed but for some reason I couldn't move or see anything. I tried to move my legs, but they were being pressed down against the bed along with the rest of my body. Its like the more I moved around the more challenging it got for me to try and get up.

After about three minutes of trying I just gave up, deciding to go back to sleep since I was still a little buzzed from whatever August had me smoking earlier.

Speaking of earlier, whatever that boy had me smoking it had me messed up. It felt so good and relaxing—it calmed my nerves for about a split second until everything else became a blur. I could hardly remember anything that happened except that I was getting high with him then yelling at him for poking me. After that the rest is history. All I know is I'm never doing that again.

Laying there motionless, I attempted to look around but still seen nothing but blackness. The only thing that was familiar at the moment was the smell that continued to fill my nostrils.

I took one more deep breath to make sure it was him, nodding my head I reassured myself of my own thoughts.

I knew August's scent from a mile away...

I was just confused as to why he was laying on top of me and holding on to me as if the world was about to end right now this second.

Realizing that I was engulfed into his chest area I tried calling out his name to get him to loosen up his tight grip he had around me.

"Aug getcho' scrawny ass off me." I mumbled into his chest only to get soft mumbles from him.

"Auggie please, ya' squishin' meh'."

"Fuck baybeh ride det' shit." He mumbled sleep still laced throughout his voice.

Oh my God, this bastard has the nerve to be having a wet dream about him and that 'thing' while holding on to me.

Only August...

I hated the fact that he was with her, not because she didn't match his fly or whatever, but because she was a user. She used August day in and day out. She didn't care about him, she only cared about what he could offer her snake ass. And August being August he would offer her the world; he would offer her the world even when he didn't have a penny to his name. He would do it because he loved her.

He loved her.

I've seen them interact when she would come over and her eyes only read greed with a hint of lust. She didn't truly love him. She loved his money and that meat man in his pants. She loved the status she got being with him. But she didn't love him as a whole.

Me on the other hand I loved him for him, for what was on the inside. Truth be told August could look like a black Rocky Dennis and I would love him no less than the way I do now. It's not his looks that draw me to him, that's just a bonus, it's his character. His personality was one of a kind, made especially for him by the man above. He could light up my day in a matter of seconds with a smile like his. That's what makes him so special to me, the fact that he can lift my spirits when I'm down in the gutter, and by the sounds of those grunts he's letting out that's where his mind is now. In the damn gutter.

"Aug please getcho' freaky ass up!" I tried to yell.

"Mhm fuck ma, d-don't fuckin' stop." He grunted as he tightened his grip around me.

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