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Let Me Do This


August (POV)

"No, we're not goin'."


"August what did I say, we are not goin'."

"But dis' da' only way ta'-,"

"I'm not goin' back thea', end of discussion." She stated sternly, like she really just did something.

"Hey guys I-,"


"August I said no."

"We goin', end of discussion."


"You not da' boss of me! If I say I don't wanna go then guess da' fuck what I'm not goin'!"

"We all need dis' though, its not juss' about you dude!"

"Shut da' hell up!"

"I bet'cha won't say dat' ta' my face."

"Um you guy-,"

"Ain't nobody scared of yo' skinny ass!"

"Stop bein' so damn stubborn dawg!"

"We not goin', if you would rememba' then you would know why!"

"I do fuckin' rememba' Armani!" I yelled causing everything that surrounded us to stop moving, everyone looked over at us and instantly I wished that I could rewind time. The whole point of taking them back home was so I could settle everything down- let her know that I did remember her, let her know that I'm sorry.

"Mani I-,"

"You wha-,"

"Guys I don't feel so good."

We both looked over at Kali to see her body falling to the floor while her eyes became completely white. Her face looked as if all the life had been flushed out of it. Like she was some type of ghost.

I quickly caught her head before it hit the marble floor and picked her small body up from the ground. I wrapped my arms tightly around her and dug in pocket and tossed the keys to Armani.

"Mo' go get da' car!"

Without hesitation she rushed to the exit of the mall and ran until she was out of sight.

"C'mon Kali, stay wit' me baybeh....you gotta stay fa' me."

She tried to speak but it all came out as gibberish that I couldn't make out.

I picked up my pace to the front doors and opened them to a billion flashing lights and mics being thrown in my direction.

"August what's going on?"

"Is your daughter okay?"

"Why is your mistress crying, did you break up with her?"

"Bruh get da' fuck outta' my way wit'chall stupid ass!" I yelled at all these messy ass reporters and paparazzi.

I pushed pass the crowd and spotted Mani driving recklessly towards the entrance.

I hopped in the back seat with Kali still in my arms and tried my hardest to get my mind to wrap around what was going on. If my memory isn't mistaken-Mani was the one who stayed in the hospital because of her condition, Kali's condition was always under control.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now