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August and Mo' in mm

Forever And A Day
1 month later

Mo' (POV)

I was currently laid back on my bed and listening to my fathers snores. This again. I never thought of this being the way my womanhood would be snatched away from me, actually I never thought of anything dealing with that at all. I'm a child.

One that had to mature in ways that she didn't want to...

I quietly got out of the bed trying to muffle my cries being caused by the soreness between my legs. I tiptoed to the night stand opening it so that I could get my clothes and head to the shower to wash this filth off me.

It's been a month and I can honestly say I've never been in a better place than where I was. Even though I came back to this hell hole, I still had another place to call home, with Mel and Chandra. We've literally been together non stop he's been my muse in a way- and I'm just grateful to have him here for me at a time like this. I don't know where he came from, but I thank whoever sent him. I've yet to tell him what goes on at my house, being that I know he would kill everybody up through this camp, but when I show up on his doorstep beaten and crying he doesn't question me-he just accepts me with open arms, comforting me until I fall asleep.

He even introduced me to his fiancé Chandra, well I call her cha-cha, and I must say that's the most craziest, fun loving, caring red head I've ever come to meet. She was basically the female version of Mel. I could see why they loved each other so much. They were true soul mates. How did I know this? How could I possibly know anything about true love? Well, because they found love and happiness in each other, you couldn't have one without the other. They completed each other in a ways that were indescribable. They looked at each other and found love. Their love.

That's how I knew.

I walked down the hall on my way to the bathroom and seen that the door to the room my parents shared was slightly cracked. I opened the door completely and turned on the light. To my surprise she was actually there, but in the state she was in, I wish she would have stayed where she's been for these pass three weeks she's been absent. She had vomited all over herself, just laying there in her own puke.

I quickly slid my clothes on deciding my shower would have to wait, I sighed and walked over to her side of the bed. I carefully picked up all the needles that were on the floor and walked to the bathroom in their room so that I could dispose of them in the trash. I then walked back into the room and looked at her with disgust, I despise this woman before me. I mean she used to be the best mother in the world. I looked up to that woman, I wanted to be her someday, but now I would die before I become that. Look what she's become a drug addicted junky that can barely remember her name, let alone the fact that she has two kids to care for.

When Kali was born premature they deemed my mother unfit to take care of children, so legally my fathers parents are my legal guardian. But as I said before I had to make a choice and Kali was my main concern so I chose her to live the good life. While I on the other hand, had to stay in this mad house.... it was worth it though- long as Kali was good I was great.

I took another look at her and scoffed as I began ta shake her .

"Aye Ma, get up so I can help ya' get cleaned up." I was so aggravated with her. Then on top up that the smell of the puke kept making me gag and turn my lip up.

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