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This chapter brings everything together my loves. By that I mean things from the very first chapter of this book, yes my loves, EVERYTHING. I even dropped a few hints in there for you all to see. In this chapter you will also see how fucked up and delusional Mo's father is. So enjoy!

- MeMe

I Did It

April 2, 2016
10:03 A.M.

Armani (POV)

Cold, gloomy, sadness were really the only words that came to mind as I looked around this room. The only thing that occupied it were a few tables with seats attached to them and a door that had a buzzer over the top of it.

I haven't been sitting here long, a good four minutes at most. After they checked his paper work and made sure I was eligible to visit him, a female guard checked me for any objects that could be used in an unjustly manner. Him being the sick minded fuck he is, he enlisted my name and my name only for visitation rights. So if I ever came here, he knew it would be me. Just another way of him saying 'I'm still playing our little game." Half the time he referred to what he did too me he would say it was our little game or father daughter bonding time.

Funny though, that 'game' of his has left an ongoing affect on me that I will never be able to wash my mind free of. My heart was broken by him every night he entered my room, and every time he entered me.

Of course my small mind could never understand what was going on. Yes, I grew up fast, and yes, I knew he was my father. I also knew he was raping me without mercy- but you see those were the parts that killed me, the ones I didn't understand. Because once I put those three points I just made into a sentence, m mind would shut down on me. Literally.

My dad raped me mercilessly and because of that my childhood was no more- see it sounds so terrible. Like a movie that makes you cry when you sit through it and you wish that you could just save that girl that's screaming for help on the screen.

When Melly B found out what was going on his only words we're,"Imma bond his ass out, and kill'em!"

It took me, August, Kali and Chandra to calm him down that day. Later on ChaCha told me he cried for me all that night.

Mel and everybody else said my father had a sick mind and needed help, but I call bullshit! There is no way in hell that your mind is that sick and disorientated that you don't realize your breaking your family, your daughter, into nothing. No, he knew exactly what he was doing to me. He just didn't give a damn.

The buzzer above the door flashed red as it made a screeching noise, signaling someone was coming.

I looked back down the hall at the door that I'd come through and debated whether or not to get the hell out of here- my common sense department was screaming run, but something else was telling me to stay and learn.....the truth? I guess.

When I turned back around in my seat my heart began to race once I seen him coming through the door in handcuffs and his orange jump suit. He wore a smirk on his face as they walked him over to where I sat . With every step he grew closer, I grew more and more lethal with rage. I wanted to destroy this man and everything he loved, if there was anything left. All these years and my heart still holds every single shred of hatred that I've had for him since the day he took everything from me. I wanted to rip his spine out through his damn neck and dangle it in front of his lifeless body — I hated him so much.

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