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Alot of people have been in my comments and have been private messaging me about Kali and how her decision is wrong, ummmmm GIVE HER A MINUTE!!! Plus look at where Kali coming from for once, y'all see her as just a smart kid- that girl has emotional issues, her mother was taken away from her before she even knew her......

GOSH.....think people! Think!

Little More - Part 2

April 5, 2016
4:00 P.M.

August (POV)

"Kay," She shakily called through the receiver, "Take me off...speaker, TeeTee need, TeeTee need ta' talk ta' you."

Hearing her pain filled coughs sent a rage through my body that was quickly replaced with my smiling heart as soon as her voice tingled my ear drums again.

Only Mani could do this to me, no other woman could do this to my heart — make it swell against my rib cage. I must have forgotten how much I loved the sweet sound of her voice because hearing it now after days and days of waiting after hours and hours of praying, has got me feeling a whole new type of appreciation for her. A whole new type of love. The fact that she had been through all this and still found a spec of strength to push through and hold on makes me appreciate her even more than I already did. She didn't have to come back to us, but she did. She did!

Breaking free from my thoughts, I took a glance at Kayden and mimicked the same confused expression she had on her face. She was probably trying to piece together what Mani was saying since she had to take breaks between her talking.

"You could?!" She asked surprised, which gained my attention again.

"What she say?" I asked, only for her to fan me off.

"Hold on TeeTee."

"Im on the phone,"She sassed covering the phone with her hand and sounding like her mama. I just looked at her like she was crazy as she returned the phone to her ear,"Ok I'm back."

"You do?!" She yelped even more excited than she was before.

I was still trying to eavesdrop on their conversation as I drove, but sadly I was a terrible multitasker. With all this stuff going on around me, I couldn't focus on driving, or anything for that matter. I just wanted to make it home.

Hearing Armani's voice rush through my ears had my heart set ablaze with a fire of red and gold. She was here with me again. Now all I really need is my Kali.

In the past I remember how foolish and simple minded I was, never wanting to settle down, not thinking about the future, only living in that day and age. I was so quick to yell 'I'm a man', yet I still showed signs of being a little boy. It took me running into a girl that had been through so much and having to grow into a woman at only the age of twelve to realize that my mind set was completely wrong. Settling down and love wasn't apart of my life back then; protecting and loving a life more than your own was never how I viewed things back then. But as all these cliché mottos say 'one person can change your life', and in my case it happened to be two people that opened my eyes up.

The two right people.

Thanks to them I changed, and now look at me! A millionaire that wants nothing more than to give his girls the world. That's ready to settle with one amazing extraordinary woman and build onto his family...............and also get his football team.

"I can't wait!" Kay screeched,"You da' best TeeTee in da' whole wide world!"



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