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It's Back

2 days later
9:23 P.M.

August (POV)

Five years! Five long years she had to go without me. Five years she had to deal with the demons of her past, the same ones I promised to rid her of.

Five fucking years bro. I promised that girl the world— a life of lavish and luxury, and instead I gave her a bucket full of nothing. I failed her. I failed them. I left them back in Nola all on their own, with the promise that I would come back. I gave her my word that I would return and reclaim her as my wife. All the secrets we shared and the love she effortlessly brought out of me. The days and nights I spent with her beside her hospital bed praying for her recovery.

How could I forget how she sent my heart up in flames of happiness and love— how she stood by my side when I was blind to her feelings for me. She fought for me and I did the same for her, which is why I'm so pissed at myself. Mostly because she was always there for me, but I just up and leave her. I just disappear out of their life when they already felt abandoned and alone. I add on to that pain in their hearts. The same girls that helped me heal when Mel went away, the same girls we saved from hell and gave a home.

I remember how highly I thought of Armani....now she's even higher on the pedestal, simply because she's still standing tall. She could have gave up a long time ago, when Mel found her on that bench she could have gave up, but she didn't. She fought past all of that misery and kept moving forward to greatness, and even though she was down and hardly able to fight for herself she managed to fight for a whole other life—a life that she cherishes with all of her heart. That woman amazingly kept her head up and now that I'm faced with this flood of memories, there's only one thing left for me to do......

Get back what's mine.

It started to lightly drizzle outside, which caused another memory to surge through my mind, but this memory was one for the books.

It was the time I held on to Armani in the rain....the night I realized how much I really did need her.




I wrapped my arms tightly around her body and let her head rest upon my chest as she shook from quietly crying to herself.

"Nah' we da' ones on da' outside baybeh."

At this moment, even though she was more torn down than ever, I was infatuated with her, more than I've ever been with anyone. As the rain feel onto our bodies it still couldn't put out the fire that she'd created in my heart with every second she blessed me with her presence. Being with her was like being with the last piece of light on earth; your blinded by its essence, but you can't bring yourself to leave or look away. Because you knew if you did you would be left alone in darkness and sadness, that's what Mani was for me. My light.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя