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I'm telling you now so you won't be confused if you can't see the next chapter.....add me, follow me- whatever you wanna call it kml. Go ahead and do that now so you will be notified of the next update because *pops collar and wipes nose* That shit bout' to be lit dawg. A bitch is coming through for y'all next chapter, so follow me so you guys can see it my loves.



That Afternoon
At The Hospital

Armani (POV)

"Mani!" Kali yelled jumping into my arms, squeezing the life out of me.

"Mmmmm I missed ya' so much my Kali!" I mumbled pulling her in closer to me.

"I missed you too sista', you know I hate bein' away from ya'!"

"I know mama, I know." I cooed as if I was flattered.

We held onto each other for a while until she pulled away and gave me a toothy grin,"I luh' you dummy head!"

"I luh' you too, stupid dummy head!" I yelled making the two of us laugh, while the nurses and doctor Morris smiled at our mini reunion.

Them my baybehs right thea'." I heard August whisper to one of the male nurses.

"You're a lucky man." He laughed.

"Mhm, I know. We gettin' married." He whispered again.

"Okay Miss. Anderson it looks like you guys are all set and ready to go." Dr. Morris said handing me Kali's discharge papers.

"Thank you so much for everything."

"As always you are very welcome, but you should really be thanking Mr. Alsina over there, he's........he's something," she chuckled," but he's a real life saver." She smiled over at me.

That he was. even though he did leave us behind, if it weren't for him and Mel being our blessings, I don't know where me and my Kali would be. Sometimes I think back to those terrible times and the nights that my life seemed so worthless and non-existent. I always find myself tracing over my scars that seem to have faded into my skin- the same ones that I allowed August to see. Oddly enough as I'm grazing over my permanent reminders of the past I thank God for the light that he gave me, I thank him for Kali and August and Mel; and everybody else he blessed me with. I even thank him for my mama and daddy.


Because if it weren't for them being the way they were, I would have never known how a happy home is suppose to be. I would never know happiness and how a father is suppose to treat his child. Thanks to my sperm donor, I know that a man- a real man- is suppose to be the exact opposite off his bitch ass and his father. I now understand that every man is not the same, and should be a king with a heart of gold such as Mel. As for my mother, she taught me that in the blink of an eye one wrong turn can change your life, one fucked up decision can keep you from seeing the signs that your broken daughter is giving off. She taught me that everything that sounds and feels right isn't anywhere near good for you. She taught me that to a mother, your child should be your everything. Never let materialistic, man-made obstacles drive a wedge between you and your sanity.

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